•Chapter 5•

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I'm not sure if this is awkward or what, but we stay silent until Tom speaks.

"Uhm— wow. How about that weather?" He nervously laughs.

I bring my hands towards his face as I squish his cheeks. "You're sooooo lame."

We get up from our position, both of us a blushing mess. I can feel Star's gaze on us, snickering like a kid.

I try to ignore the awkward feeling in the air as I put my arms behind my head. My head spins as I try to come up with a topic to talk about.

Then my favorite small blonde girl jogs down stairs."(y/n) you know you don't own a single dress?" Star nudges me.

"Oh..you're right. I only brought causal clothes, huh?" I sigh.

"Well, you're going to the Blood Ball so how about Tom takes you out to find something to wear?" Star smiles brightly.

"I'm not good with the whole shopping thing actually." He puts his arm on my shoulder.

Now that i think about it, I'm not too keen on dresses either, I wouldn't really know what to wear.."well..Star, how about you come with? You're always dressing cutesy anyway, I could use your help."

Star's plan to get Tom and I alone fails, but after the moment we had, I'd feel too skittish to be alone with him.

"Even better, let's invite the whole gang!!" Star dashes upstairs to get Marco, dragging him down stairs. She opens a portal and we all jump in.


"Uhm, I think this is too revealing.." I mumble. Star has been making me try on so many elegant gowns and I think this is the 6th one?

It's a long, silky spaghetti strap dress that has a diamond shape hole near the cleavage. I didn't really like the small bit it shows, but it was absolutely stunning (not on me though).

I walk out of the dressing room, being greeted by a bored Marco and Tom. I hid my chest a bit with my arms.

"How about this one?" Star asks the boys.

Tom spits out his pinkity drinkity (his pink coffee) as his face becomes the same colors as his drink. Marco's face brightens as well causing Star to give him a death glare.

Before I could remove my arms to show the full dress, Tom turns me around and pushes me back into the changing room.

"I guess it didn't suit me.." I sigh.

Covering his face he stutters,"it's not that..Marco was giving you looks so our course I wouldn't allow him to." He huffs as he leaves the dressing room. He comes back a few minutes later with a dress that he picks out.

I've been blushing a lot recently and it's all because of that salmon haired demon. Was he jealous? A part of me wishes that was true, yet the other half doesn't believe so. I throw on the dress. It's a semi-short dress with the top half of it jet black and the lower part was imprinted with fancy designs in red.

Oh my..THIS IS ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!! I'd never thought I think something was cute on me.

Stepping out of the dressing room, i notice everyone eyes on me. "So? How is it?" I tuck a piece of hair behind my ears, embarrassed.

Marco and Star give me a thumbs up and Tom gives me a wink.

I laugh at them and wink back at Tom.

"I'm impressed, i didn't expect a demon prince to have a sense of fashion." Marco chuckles.

Instead of getting upset with Marco's comment, Tom laughs it off. He strikes multiple poses like a girly model.

Everyone seems to be having a good time, and so am I. Maybe coming to earth wasn't such a bad idea after all?

I know this gets annoying, and I say it every chapter, but pleeaaaaaase (with glitter and nachos on top) vote on all the chapters *^*

Ahh love is in the air~ but beware, this bubbly atmosphere is soon going to be angsty. Keep reading until the next update!!!

Slightly Younger •Reader x Tom (SvtFoE)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin