•Chapter 15•

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Shout out to: Red-Candy
Thanks for liking and commenting ^^

[The uninvited guests]
{Panic! At the Ball} 2

Hopping off the carriage, I was greeted with the sight of many party-goers. Each dressed in whatever stylish dark clothes they owned, dancing away.

"Eeeek! This is my jam. Dance with me Marco!" Star abruptly drags the boy away onto the dance floor without a second thought. You can tell Marco is nervous by the way he awkwardly stands next to her, but with her smile, he soon joins in the fun.

I smile softly at them. Tom notices my glances towards them as he places a hand on my shoulder. "Why not have fun yourself while you're here? I'll get ya some cake if you'd like?" He pokes my cheek, leaving me alone on the dance floor. The DJ was hardcore with the 'sickest' beats I've ever heard. It felt like a night club instead of a Ball. Instead of dancing, I go around and talk to old friends and some of Tom's family members.

Suddenly, I bump into someone. Whoever it was, they had a manly physique, and were very tall.

   "Oh my, please forgive me." I say rubbing my head. I hold my hand out to the figure below me in which they take it.

"You've become quite a lovely lady haven't you?" The voice speaks.

Looking up towards him, I bring my attention to his eyes immediately. I quickly notice that on one eye, he wore a contact lense that was a metallic color, almost mechanical. On the other, I see the red eye color that I'm accustomed to. It was the same red as Tom's. Deep, almost blood like. I gaze at his inhumanly pale skin bordering his eyes. This man just seems unnatural. Not to mention the dyed silver hair, in which you can faintly see his salmon colored roots. 

I may have been staring too long because his expression changed to that of embarrassment.

"Maybe I look way too good today." He laughs.

"I-I apologize! I'm sorry for bumping into you" I put my hands up in defense of myself, an awkward laugh falling out of my mouth.

His smile grows on his face, one that I've seen before. This wasn't just some odd and random guy, that much I know.

"Are you.." I began to say.

"The Zen Lucitor? Why yes I am. Pleased to meet your acquaintance. " He grabs my hand and places a kiss on it. Suddenly, He leans in close to me. His mouth whispers into my ear. "I feel like I can trust you, can I?" I nod intently. He continues, looking around before he does so. "I'm not just some Lucitor; I'm the oldest son to be more exact."

I'm taken back by him. Is he saying he's Tom's older brother? I remember nothing of the sorts. I can't even recall him ever being mentioned. My question is, why does this man trust me? I'm basically a stranger aren't I? He moves away from my ear and places a sunshine expression on his face. "Who May you be?"

I assumed he already knew me by his earlier comment, but I proceed to introduce myself— although hesitantly. "Nice to meet you, I am (Y/n) Butterfly. The youngest daughter of the Butterfly family." I give him a bow.

He pats my head lightly, taking in consideration for my hair. He was about to say something when Tom calls out my name. Before I know it, Zen was gone, like he never even existed.

I look around to where he went, but I cannot find him. I feel a hand grip mine as I look into the eyes of Tom. His warmth calms my nerves. In his other hand was a piece of red velvet cake. My eyes beam at the treat, begging for a taste.

Tom stabs at the cake and brings the fork towards my lips, but suddenly pulls it away and eats it himself.

"Wow this is so good! Oh, did you want some (y/n)?" The demon snickers at me.

I stick my tongue out at him. "You're lucky we're at a ball because I would have broken your fingers already."

"Aww you're so cute when you threaten to hurt me." Tom pinches my cheeks, treating me like a kid.

I feel the flames of my anger form around me. "Pinch my cheeks one more time and I'm going have to get myself my own anger management manager." Tom just chuckles at my attempt of being scary.

Suddenly the music dies down into a slower paced song. Tom just throws the cake as he gets on his knees, holding out his hand. "May I have this dance?" In response I take his hand in mine.

He twirls me on to the dance floor as we slow dance doing a simple 2 step. His hand finds its way to my waist as the other one holds my hand gently. I find my own arm gravitating towards his neck, pulling us closer.

I'm not sure how to describe this feeling. My chest is pounding, my whole body heats up. Though, I'm not the only one. I can feel Tom's body reacting the same as mine. We move in rhythm as we glide into the spotlight. We began complicating the dance as we add more spins and our movements become more swift and quick. The crowd stops their dancing to watch us. Our simple romantic dance felt like it grew to an intense salsa dance. We were able to keep up with each other as we dance in sync.

The song ends with the most dramatic pose we could come up with. Our faces are inches apart. The crowd goes wild as they applaud us. The demon boy places a small peck on my lips causing everyone to fangirl out of their minds.

"How does it feel to be on Dancing With the Stars, love?" Tom jokes. My face reddens and I look away.

"Teasing a fair maiden like myself is so mean." I whine.

We pull away from each other and find ourselves just laughing. Tom didn't notice, but our hands were still entwined with one another as we walk to get ourselves some drinks. Of course the feeling of his hand in mine was all that is on my mind.

The feeling of euphoria was evident within me. It's like I have the courage to do basically anything. After getting our drinks, Tom let's go of my hand when he sees some of his old friends. He waves at me before running off go hang with them. I find myself speed walking to Star and Marco.

When I'm noticed, Star giddily runs up to me. "(Y/n) you should've seen you two! There was so much chemistry that you could of blown us up!!"

"No joke, It's like you both were in another world! Well, technically we are.. besides the point." Marco says unwieldy.

"Well, that's what I'm here to tell you guys. I was thinking of..maybe..." my voice falters.

Star and Marco stare at me, awaiting for my words. Star immediately understands as her face brightens. "You're going to confess!!" Marco covers her mouth, shushing her.

"We're supporting you (y/n)!" Marco gives me a thumbs up. My heart feels as if it's crying. I pull them into a hug, and so do they.

Our moment was interrupted by a booming voice on a speaker.

"Welcome everybody to the Blood Moon Ball!" I see that it's Tom's father who is speaking through the microphone. The people cheer as he continues on.

"Tonight, id like to introduce you to a special guest..." Dave Lucitor's voice falters, building suspense. "Please meet Rosalina Thomas, the fiancée of my son Tom Lucitor."

In unison we all reply with "WHAT?!"

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Q: how do you feel about the new characters I added? Zen Lucitor and Rosalina Thomas?

A/n: it's ya gal, Artie here. Now I wasn't sure about these new characters. I don't like adding OCs but I just feel that it adds to the drama and the plot line. I can't promise Rosalina will be around for long; she's just part of the Blood Moon Ball Arc. Zen.. I have plans for him as far as the story goes. Sorry for blabbering.. anyway~ I hope you enjoyed stick around for the next chapter!

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