•Chapter 12•

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Shout out toooooo: @AlisaBlessing
Your comments got me sh00k and they make me laugh sm 😂

[This Cafe is Not Normal!]
^ a bit of insight for the chapter, kinda like a chapter title.
I got this idea from Fairy Tail lmao


Since my date with Tom, I feel like we've gotten really close. When I mean close, I mean he's been finding every opportunity to get me alone.

"It's so odd.. I mean, we're not dating nor have we even said our feelings.."i trail off.

PonyHead, Star and surprisingly, Jackie, listen intently as I try to explain the 'relationship' Tom and I have.

"Girl, like, I think he's playing with chu." PonyHead hair flips and gives me a worrisome look.

Star then butts in, "Or—maybe he actually really likes you~!!" She waves her wand in the shape of a heart as she gets all bubbly. I look over to Jackie for some advice in which she just shrugs in reply.

I huff as I sink into the booth of the human world cafe. It's very fancy looking; I admire the polished wooden walls and floors and the red drapes along the windows. The tables had small tea cups which are engraved with various flowers, and for some reason there isn't any menus.

On cue, two (may I say), extremely attractive men walk over to our table. They were both wearing butler-like suits, all black from head to toe. They bow at our table at a perfect 90 degree angle, smiles cross their faces.

"How may we serve you mistresses." They say in unison.

Our faces all become a light red shade as they hand us our menus. I can't help but to just stare at them, though I know it's rude, their looks are beyond human. Though, something does seem weird; their facial expressions seem different than before, almost like they've been caught doing something.

The man with the tan skin walks to my side of the table, a tea pot in hand and refills my tea. He's very close to me, but at the same time distant. He gives me a closed eyed smile and tends to everyone else.

The 2nd butler stays in his spot, almost like he's the quiet type. He shows not much emotion as he gets our orders, that's until he comes to me.

"M-master, have you decided what you'd like to dine on?" The man accidentally stutters as he silently curses himself. The man looks more muscular than the copper skinned boy from before. He has light brown hair with flecks of red in it and his eyes are a dark brown. His hair is slicked back except a single strand that hangs near his eye, grazing his pale skin.

I look questionably at something on the menu under 'commands'. "Excuse me, but what's this 'yaoi' thing? It says I can request it." I cock my head to the side.

The composed man suddenly becomes flustered along with the tan boy from earlier having the same reaction. Apparently everyone besides me knows what it is and oh boy just by looking at them I could tell that this was going to be interesting.

Star and PonyHead creepily giggle as they whisper into the embarrassed butlers' ears some gibberish. Whatever it was, the two guys already felt uncomfortable.

Shockingly, the calm one is pressed to the wall as the innocent boy rubs his thumb over the man's lips. Before I could comprehend what was going on, the boy was leaning in closer and was attempting to grab onto the male's thigh until he was pushed off.

"I CANT DO ITTTT" the one I thought was composed whines out.

The darker skinned boy hugs him and whines with him, well that's until they both began yelling at each other like brothers.



A cute red puppy scuttles out from the kitchen yapping away. They stop their arguing suddenly, as a 'oops' expression is plastered on their faces.

Everyone goes quiet as the 2 boys slowly turn towards us, a nervous laugh escapes their mouths.

"My..puppy?" I question. Star, Ponyhead, and Jackie are almost as clueless as I was, and we expected answers. The hot guys then slowly begin to morph..morph into none other than Tom and Marco.

After 30 minutes of explaining themselves, I come to learn that Tom got me a demon dog that ran into this nice lady's shop and broke her vase so they had to kiss kiss fall in love (excuse my ohshc references) Basically meaning they had to work off the damage by being gay butlers for her themed cafe. She slightly altered their looks to make them into her image and now we're here.

"It's a lot to take in I know."Marco falters.

"BUT I'M NOT GAY, I SWEAR (Y/N)!" Tom hugs me tightly.

"You mean 'We aren't gay'" Marco corrects.

"No, I meant me." Tom childishly sticks out his tongue as he snuggles against me. I give in and hug him back and all is forgiven.

Jackie then pipes in,"We didn't pay $30 on a gay scene we're not gonna get to see."

The boys' souls leave their body as they run away as fast as possible in which everyone chases after them, leaving me alone with my little pupper. Soon, I follow after them, a smile brightening my face.

Like this wacky chapter?? WELL VOTE AND COMMENT <3 shoutouts are given
each chapter~

Sorry for the lack of romance this chapter😅 I thought up this idea and I just wanted to write it before I forgot about it :P #JustWriterThings
Anywhoooo~ thank you so much for 1K views. That's none much, but I'm proud of this story so far ^^
((Side question, what should the dog be named or would you like to just name it yourself?))

Q: Are any of you guys fujoshis/ enjoy yaoi?

Slightly Younger •Reader x Tom (SvtFoE)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora