Epilogue Part 2

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(Epilogue. 2 months after the other epilogue...)

*Lila's POV*

Lila carried her rolling backpack across the airport hallway, angry. Her Adrien was back with Marinette. The man she loved so much didn't love her back. And it hurt, a lot.

The moment she found out was the moment she was invited to their wedding. All the teachers that worked with Adrien were invited. When she was there, Lila had to smile the whole time when all she wanted to do was cry. Marinette, the stuttering idiot was marrying him, again.

I hate her... What makes me so different than her?

Lila kept an angry face on as she walked, earning a few stares from onlookers. Adrien's green eyes, blonde hair, they didn't belong to her.

She remembered her father, his blonde hair and green eyes. She was never going to get that back, she was never going to get him back. She didn't have her father or Adrien.

She had nobody.

Lila suddenly felt herself crash into a body and looked up. "Sorry," A handsome young man said, looking at her.

"You're fine," Lila said with a smile, studying him. Blonde hair and green eyes...

"I'm Felix, by the way," He said. "What's your name?"

"Lila," Lila replied. "Lila Rossi. Where are you headed?" Felix looked at an airplane outside before turning back to her. "America."

Lila broke out into a smile. "That's where I'm going too! Modeling..." Felix laughed. "What a coincidence, I'm going there to model as well. Want to explore it together?"

"That'll be nice," Lila said with a smile. Finally, someone who can love me...I'll finally be happy again...

*Marinette's POV*

"Come on, I know you can do it," Marinette heard Adrien say as he fed Hugo a spoon of baby food. 

Hugo reluctantly bit into the spoon, swallowing the baby food. "Yes!" Adrien said, pumping his fists into the air. "He finally ate five spoons of it!"

Just as he uttered those words though, Hugo spat the food out at Adrien, covering his shirt in green alien-like goo.

"Better luck next time, Adrien," Marinette replied with a small laugh. "Hugo hates that stuff."

Adrien looked disgusted at his shirt for a second and then looked up at Hugo. Something must have flashed inside his head when he did because instead of going to clean his shirt, he came back with his phone.

"What are you doing, Adrien?" Marinette asked. "Go get yourself changed. We have to go out for dinner later..."

"But look at his face!" Adrien exclaimed. "It's so adorable!"

"How do you call a baby who threw up all over his face adorable?" Louis asked. Emma nodded.

"What?!" Adrien exclaimed, motioning toward Hugo who was picking his nose. "How is that not adorable!"

"It isn't," Emma flat out replied. 

"Plus, you have about a dozen pictures like this, Dad," Louis remarked. "Actually, scratch that out, you have a hundred of them."

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