Chapter 8

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*Third Person POV*


"Your honor," Adrien said, walking up to the judge. "I believe I should have rights to keep Emma and Louis Agreste. After all, their own mother had cheated on me."

"I did not!" Marinette exclaimed, standing up from her seat. "He cheated on me!" she glared at Adrien with hatred.

"Silence," The judge said, annoyed by the interruption. This was the second time there had been an interruption on what had happened, either from Marinette or Adrien.

"Continue," he said, motioning to Adrien who was glaring back at Marinette. 

"Your honor," Adrien said once more. "I should also be able to have custody of Emma and Louis Agreste because I have a consistent job, unlike my ex-wife."

"What do you mean I don't have a consistent job?" Marinette said angrily, standing up from her seat. "Well," Adrien said, "You can only work when people tell you to make something. No customers mean no money."

"If I get hired into a company, then what?" Marinette said, fuming.

"Not likely," Adrien said, his anger getting the best of him. "You're a terrible designer, I have no idea why I ever told you that you were amazing at designing things."

Marinette had tears in her eyes, "Well, Mr. I'm-so-Perfect-and-better-than-everyone-else, I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment to you."

Adrien was about to speak, but was cut off by the judge, "SILENCE!" said the Judge, banging his gavel.

* * *

There was the pause in the custody case, and both divorcees sat outside of the courtroom, waiting for the break to be over.

Neither of them spoke or looked at one another. It was also so painful. 

Gabriel Agreste watched them. He was invited to the court case and was pained to see his son and daughter-in-law heartbroken.

Marinette and Adrien later went back to the courtroom after the break had been over. They waited for the decision on who would have custody of their children. Let's just say they both were not happy with the decision.

"What?!" Marinette said angrily, "I should have full custody of my kids!" Adrien stood up, "No, I should! I can provide for them more compared to her!"

"Silence," said the Judge once more. "That is the final decision of the court. Both of you may decide how long you will keep the children."

"Two weeks," said both Marinette and Adrien in unison. 

Somebody in the crowd laughed, "You two are just made for each other, I have no idea why you both even divorced."

Adrien and Marinette both glared at the person who spoke, not saying a word. Both of them were thinking the same thing. How their hearts got broken.

Secretly, Marinette and Adrien were both glad that the children got to at least have both parents in their lives. With one parent, it would have all been too hard and traumatic.

The Judge spoke, breaking the silence. "I also recommend that you two take relationship classes or something of the sort to deal with your divorce."

"No thank you," Marinette and Adrien said at the same time, again. The same person in the crowd just laughed again.

"Oh shut up," Adrien muttered under his breath, annoyed. Marinette was the only one who heard him and would have laughed if the circumstance hadn't been so serious.

"Court dismissed," said the Judge. Everyone in the room started leaving, including Marinette and Adrien.

"Wait," said Gabriel, going towards both of them. "Who's going to have the children with them first?"

"Me," said both Marinette and Adrien. Then they turned around and glared at each other, annoyed that they kept on saying the same thing.

"How about this way?" said Gabriel, pulling out a coin from his pocket. "Heads or tails?"

"Heads," Marinette immediately said. "Tails," said Adrien at the same time. 

It was kind of ironic, though. Ladybug used her head, and Chat Noir had a tail. But sadly, nobody got the reference since they didn't know the identities of the two.

Gabriel flipped the coin, which landed on its edge. 

He flipped it once more, and the coin landed on tails. "Yes!" Adrien said, happily. "No!" said Marinette at the same time 

"Well, it's been decided," Gabriel Agreste said. "Adrien gets to have custody of the children first. For two weeks."

Marinette just stood there fuming while Adrien had a smile on his face. Marinette and Adrien both walked away, saying their goodbyes to Gabriel, and left.

Gabriel Agreste just stood there, knowing that everything would soon turn out alright.

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