Chapter 30

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*Lila's POV*

Ugh, Lila thought as she drove to the hospital. I leave him to himself for just one minute and he lands himself in the hospital. Why do these kinds of things always have to happen to me?

She reached the hospital and suddenly slammed on the breaks due to a person crossing the street to get to the parking lot. Lila hated hospitals.

She remembered her mother, landing in one almost every week. The doctors tried, they said that they would help her mother to get used to her new life without alcohol, without the drugs that were somehow always in her hands. The doctors lied. And her mother... she died of an overdose.

Lila shook the thoughts out of her head when she parked her car walking towards the hospital, flowers and a box of chocolates in her hands. 

After asking the receptionist where Adrien's room was, she stood in the elevator and couldn't wait until she saw him. She looked at the room numbers on the walls until she finally reached him. He had a guest. It was his ex-wife. And...she was kissing him.

Wait...what? Are they...?

Lila couldn't help but stare in shock. The two finally stopped and looked at each other, love obvious in their eyes.

"Marinette," Adrien whispered. "I'm sorry that I was blind to the truth all these years, I should have realized that you would never-" 

Marinette put a finger to his lips, "Adrien, we both made mistakes. But, that won't happen again. We know the truth now. And Adrien, I love you."

Lila's heart started beating faster when she heard those words. Please, no, don't say what I think you're going to say. Please don't. Reject her Adrien!

"Marinette, please say that you'll marry me again," Adrien said. "I know I that I don't have a ring, that this isn't formal or anything, but I know that I can't live without you, I know that-"

"I'll marry you," Marinette whispered. "Of course I'll marry the love of my life, why wouldn't I?"

Lila dropped the flowers and chocolates onto the floor and ran away crying. Her heart was broken so many times. And now... now the pieces were scattered far apart, for good.

*Marinette's POV*

Marinette heard a sound coming from the hallway, but ignored it, looking back at Adrien, her ex-husband turned fiance, with a smile.

Adrien tried to get up from the hospital bed, but Marinette pushed him back down with a glare. "Can't you wait for five minutes when they actually release you?"

"Nope," Adrien chirped back. "I want to get married right now."

Marinette facepalmed. "You must be high on whatever the doctors put on you," Adrien smirked. "Or maybe I'm high for you."

Marinette rolled her eyes. "Definitely high. You always start to act like an idiot when you're stupid."

"Or maybe seeing you again is numbing my brain," Adrien said. "Afterall, you are very intoxicating."

"Stop flirting so horribly," Marinette said with a slight smile. "Or else I'm going to have to divorce you again."

"That's nice," Adrien said as he picked up a box of chocolates from the table beside him. "You'll never divorce me again because I'm great at flirting."

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