Chapter 06 | No words to say.

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Hunter can literally pull off anything. It's been confirmed. I ogle his form as he stalks around his car towards me after he's collected everything he needs. I've seen this uniform be worn by countless people ever since I can remember and truthfully, Hunter was definitely ranking in the top five. The fact that he hadn't jazzed it up like most of the boys in our year, that right there, has bumped him up to the top three.

Even in a plain white shirt with just the schools insignia on the left breast pocket secured with a tie, tucked into his slick grey trousers that cascaded over his shiny black formal shoes and the black blazer that too held the schools logo on its left breast pocket hung perfectly on his shoulders, he still managed to look like he was modeling for the cover of GQ. It was effortless and it seems I'm not the only one who notices. Groups of girls have gathered to swoon over him and to my surprise: he doesn't seem to notice. If he looks this good in our raggedy uniform, he better not have anything else up his sleeve.

The glares. It's near impossible to turn my head in any direction and not have a glare pointed at me. I scoff in disbelief. "Day 5 at this school and you've already acquired a following." Like we needed one more fan club.

He rolls his eyes adjusting the strap of his back pack It seems to bother him too that his entire being attracts this type of reaction. "Struggles of the handsome. If only I had your problems." I joke without much thought. Did I just call him handsome? Out loud? Not good.

He chuckles lowly and I'm in the clear.

"Wait. You think I'm handsome?" he asks with his now seafoam green eyes staring down at me. So close.

"Have you seen yourself." I say through a smile as my irises take a trip to the back of my head and back. "Even a blind person can see that and I'm classified under that." I add to a shocked silent Hunter.

I've never seen Hunter not moving his lips. I think I like this version of him better. Archer ~ 02 : Hunter ~ 00


I'm so glad the day is over. Soon I'll be able to undress from the ensemble: A white shirt much like that of the boys, a tie that matches the sinfully short skirt and a black blazer with white stripes to show our seniority.

It takes me approximately 5 minutes to find Aubrey and Audrey standing by the East entrance to the already overcrowded pitch. Exactly where they said they'd wait for me. It's hard to miss the two beautiful bombshells. Remember those people who look like the uniform was made for them I was talking about, these 2 are in that category.

It amazes me how students and others alike are already filing in to the pitch when the game won't start for another hour. By the looks of the crowd still outside in a queue to get inside and that of the one already occupying seats within the pitch, I can understand the early arrival. Getting good seats.

Audrey notices me first, immediately beaming at me, "You're here!"

"Good detective work, Sherlock Holmes," I quip applauding with a grin which in turn earns me a scowl and a smirk.

"I walked right into that one, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did." I nod.

"Come on. Let's go." Aubrey butts in grabbing my wrist pulling me into the confines of the pitch. I don't know why we're excused from the queue but nevertheless, I'm happy about this development. I cannot even imagine myself standing in the sun for any longer.

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