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Lance pulled up in front of my house and put the car in park. “Need me to come with?” “Um, no, because my mom loves you and she'll talk so much and we won't leave.” Lance laughed. “Okay, go grab anything you need, then we'll go to the store and get some snacks.” I smiled, nodding my head.

I hopped out of the car, then ran inside to be greeted by my mom. “Keith!” I hugged her. “Hi mom.” She pulled away, eyeing me down. “What's that smile for?” “Well, I'm sleeping over at Lance’s tonight!” I squealed, feeling like a schoolgirl. “Awe honey! I'm happy that you've finally found someone that you enjoy hanging out with besides me.” “But mom, you are my best friend.” My mom started tearing up. “My baby is growing up. I won't be for long!” She laughed through her tears which were now falling. “I promise you'll never be replaced.” Mom wiped her tears quickly then started pushing me up the stairs. “Hurry and go get your things.” I smiled, nodding my head before jogging up stairs.

I grabbed everything I needed, then went back downstairs. I looked around for my mom, not able to find her. I called out for her, a few times, walking from room to room. When I got in the kitchen, I looked out the window, seeing her outside talking to Lance. I ran out out of the house with a small duffle bag in hand. “Hey Keithy!” Lance, who was leaning up against his truck, greeted me. “Okay, I'll let you two go. See you on Saturday, Lance. Nice talking to you. Have fun, Keith!” My mom pulled me into a hug. I hugged back, then walked to the passenger side where Lance was holding the door open for me. I blushed, getting in and putting on my seatbelt. He shut the door, walking to the drivers side to start the car. He rolled down the window, quickly waving to my mom. “Bye guys! Have fun! Remember to use protection!” “MOM!” I screamed. I looked into the mirror, seeing my red face. I hurriedly shoved my face in my hands, trying to hide. Lance just laughed, driving off and beeping the horn at her.

a/n: keiths mom is my favourite character. sorry this is a crappier chapter than usual (ik they all are but this is much worse) i also realise that this is slowly becoming a crack fic oops. but im enjoying it. i dont feel pressured to need to get something serious out, i just write about things that pertain to me, and my life. its fun. thanks for reading this crap though!

Caribbean Dream (A Klance Dance AU!) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now