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The class ended and Lance got swarmed by teenage girls. I sat back and rolled my eyes. Being the flirt that Lance is, he winked at some of them, causing a one girl to fan herself and another to squeal. I could practically sense his annoyance. He was too nice, I probably would've punched someone.
A few of the girls left and I gave a sigh of relief, until one girl wrapped her arms around his biceps, laying her head on his shoulder. I was getting heated. I watched as Lance tried to pry her off without being too rude. “But Lancey-poo!” Lance visible rolled his eyes. She kissed his cheek, and I got up to go over and tell her off. I was furious.

“I'm seeing someone else, Carmen!” Lance yelled, obviously done with her. I stopped and smiled. Lance turned his head my way and walked out of ‘Carmen’s’ now loose grasp. “Keithy~” He came over and wrapped his arms around my waist. My cheeks heated up, resulting in me hiding my face in his chest. I looked at the girl then wrapped my arms around his neck, and he kissed my forehead. The girl from before scoffed, then walked to the door. “I'm better, Lance! And I'm rich!” “And I don't give a shit.” She stomped her foot before turning and walking out. I giggled, still holding onto Lance. He buried his head in my hair mumbling what sounded like “soft.” I smiled, leaning my head back on his chest. I didn't care that he was still sweaty. I loved his embrace way too much.

We eventually parted slightly, but Lance kept his hands on my waist. “So, have you decided what you want to do?” He smirked. I put my hands on his chest pushing him back. “I'd love to stay at your place tonight. Can you drive me to my place so that I can pick up some clothes first?” “Of course. I'll turn off everything and meet you in the truck, okay?" I smiled and nodded, watching him frantically run around before going outside to wait.

(a/n- alright next chapter theyre gonna be starting their little sleepover thing. any plans for things they can do? lemme know!)

Caribbean Dream (A Klance Dance AU!) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now