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As we walked to Pidge and Hunk’s cafe, Shiro and Lance were talking about some recent sports transfer, and Allura was just listening, not really paying that much attention to them. She must've noticed my awkwardness and let go of Shiro’s hand and waited until I caught up to her. “So Keith! Tell me about yourself? You seem pretty cool.” She smiled, giving me her full attention. “Well, um. I'm not that interesting…” I mumbled. “You obviously are. Lance usually doesn't bring people he just met to his classes to join in, or hang out much with anyone besides our little friend group. You must be pretty special.” The thought of me being special to Lance made me smile. “You're blushing.” Allura kept her voice down but I can tell that she was fangirling a bit. “Sorry. I get like this when any of my friends like each other. But you do like him, right?” I nodded, feeling more flustered than I already was. Allura took my hand. “Listen Keith, you picked a good guy. Lance, sure he's a flirt, and a little full of himself, but he is a generally good person. He's up here in the US to attend college and make a living. The majority of what he makes is either going to his family back home or into his college funds. He's determined so pay for it on his own. He's literally one of the most helpful people ever. On days where the cafe would get crazy, he'd hop behind the counter and get to work, not asking for anything in return, except the occasionally piggy back ride from Hunk,” Allura chuckled, probably remembering the memories of them acting foolish. “But seriously, he needs someone more in his life than just us as his close friends. Yeah, Shiro takes over as his father figure up here, Hunk is his best friend, Pidge his younger sister that he has to protect, and I'm somewhat like his mom. But he needs to know that someone really loves him, and I can already tell that you're the person to do that.” I couldn't help but to smile. I looked up at Lance in front of me, laughing like an idiot. He honestly deserves so much, and works so hard. He's already a successful Zumba instructor at the age of 18, and not to mention his small dancer career in Cuba. I wanted to be his so bad. I've fallen really hard, really fast.

a/n ALLURA IS THE ULTIMATE KLANCE SHIPPER TBH. Okay literally at some point imma have keith and lance bond over bts so if youre a fan of them, drop some songs in the comments that you want them to bond over bc knowing me, they'll bond over every single one and this will turn into some bts fanfic where they're reading like namjin fanfic haha. bye for now!

Caribbean Dream (A Klance Dance AU!) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now