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We sat across from each other and Lance stared at me for a bit before speaking. "So Keith, tell me a bit about yourself."

"What do you want to know?"

"Favourite colour, animal, your family life. Anything."

"Um. My favourite colour is red, my favourite animal is a hippo. Um. Well, it's ah- just me and my mom. My dad left when I was younger." Lance had a look of sympathy in his eyes.

"I'm sorry about that." I laughed a bit, and Lance's eyes lit up.

"You have a beautiful laugh." He said, making me flustered again. I put my head down, trying to hide my red face, but Lance put a finger under my chin to lift my head up.

"It's okay, you can look at me." My face was even redder now.

"W-why don't you tell me about yourself." I mumbled, trying to take the topic away from myself. Lance chuckled.

"Haha, okay. Well, blue is my favourite colour, I like sharks, and I have a big family, but they all live back in Cuba. So I'm currently living by myself. I came to the US for college. I'm starting this fall."

"I bet it's nice having a big family." I said, quietly. Lance put his hand over mine. "It has its flaws like everything else. It's just more people to miss though. I try to Skype my Mama every night. She cries everytime she see's my face on the screen though," Lance laughed again, "but I've been loving it up here, and teaching Zumba is a lot of fun. And it's good money." I smiled. "I bet. And you're very good at it." Lance smiled again. "Thanks, Keith."

"Here's your orders," Pidge said, sitting down our drinks and pastries, "I'm sorry it took so long. I was watching you two over here. I ship it." Lance laughed lightly pushing Pidge away. I sat there, silent and blushing.

Caribbean Dream (A Klance Dance AU!) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now