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Edith's POV:

"Mom!" I exclaimed and ran over, hugging her tight.

She hugged back, "Frisk! Thank goodness you're safe!"

Sans looked beyond confused, and Frisk looked happy. Not phased what-so-ever.

Ink smiled, happy that he could help with the family reunion.

The other Frisk stood up from the couch and walked over to Ink, "Where have you been, Ink? And where's Dream? Why haven't you two been on this?"

Ink sighed, "I've been. . . handling another case, for a while. I couldn't get away. I'm so sorry. I know what happened, and it's terrible. But Dream and I are beginning to piece together what their plan may be."

"What might their plan be, then?" Frisk sounded irritated with Ink but would listen to his reasoning, since he was much more experienced in this ground.

Ink nodded, "We should probably sit down for this."

The feeling in the air shifted and the group sat down, naturally drifting into their regular cliques. Ink sat down at the front of the groups, now appearing to be nervous, which wasn't good in the slightest.

"I think they're trying to kill all the Frisks."

I could feel mom tense up and watched as the younger Frisk stopped breathing for a few seconds.

"Why?" Mom asked, her voice quivering a little bit.

"A Frisk of the universe holds all the power. Charas or Frisks, I mean. They hold the power to restart, to leave the universe, and to continue the game. Most of them have destroyed their option bar, like you two, but those who haven't are being hunted down. Any Frisk or Chara who has or had power is being hunted down. This is because Nightmare believes that those people still hold power over the universe since they originally had it. He thinks that when he kills Frisk, he gains their previous power. While I don't know if that is true or not, I know it's not good, since it destabilizes the timeline and causes complete chaos."

"He hasn't killed anyone yet, right?" I ask restlessly.

Ink looked over at me, his expression somber, "I can't know for sure. They've both been causing chaos, and I haven't been able to keep up with them. I hope not, but I can't know for certain."

I nodded, breaking eye contact, thinking this all over. I saw Ink shake his head in my peripheral, his overall energy feeling lost. HE seemed lost.


Frisk had offered a room to my mom and I. We took the offer, understanding that nowhere was really safe anymore, but feeling more comfortable with the people that were stuck in the same situation as we were.

Mom fell asleep quite quickly, and once she had fallen asleep, I got up to go and sit in the living room. I wasn't used to being free at the moment. I was usually doing homework or editing, or something. I didn't usually get to bed until around one in the morning, and I had to get up at eight to get to school on time.

So, instead of tossing-and-turning for hours, I went out into the moonlit living room to write a few ideas in my notebook.

"Can't sleep over?" Frisk asked from the couch, making me jump.

"No. I'm usually up right now for school, so I thought I'd improvise until I got tired." I held up the pale blue notebook.

She nodded, "I get it."

I walked over and sat down at the other end of the couch, bringing my legs up so that I could rest my notebook on them.

"What do you write?" She asked quietly like she was curious but didn't want her tone to peer pressure me into talking.

I flipped the book open, "A lot of things. I write for other people, I edit for other people, but I especially love to write stories. Adventures with characters of my personal design. Most of the time they're thrown into a precarious situation that average people would be stuck in, but they always escape. I love writing stories like that. With everything that was happening at home, I wanted to put myself into a situation of impossibility that these people could escape."

Frisk nodded, "Sounds really fun."

"Yeah." I smiled to myself, staring at the scribbling on the page.

"The most I ever write are example court cases or political speeches to give to a class."

"You're a politician?" I asked, slightly surprised.

"Ehh, that's debatable, but in simple terms, yes. I am a politician, of sorts."

"I'm guessing you cater to human and monster equality?"

Frisk nodded, sighing in thought, "That alongside many other things. I have a website."

"So you are a politician." I teased.

She laughed quietly, staring out the window for a few seconds before replying, "I suppose I am."

I nod, looking out the window too, recollecting for a few minutes. Then, I noticed something out in the distance. A figure, watching us from across the street, staring right into the window we were sitting at.


"I see them, too." She said, standing up, not breaking her stare out the window.

"Who are--"

"I don't know. Don't let them in. I'm going to go and get a weapon." She turned and ran into the house, going somewhere to grab some sort of weapon.

The person then started walking, looking both ways before continuing their march towards the house. I scrambled for the window, slamming it down and locking it, pulling the curtains closed as quick as I could.

I could see them pause outside, and then head right. I scurried to the right, running to the door and double checking that it was locked. Then I went from room to room, being as quiet as I could despite the panic that spiked inside of me like barbed wire.

Sans came out of his room after I bolted out, rubbing his eye-sockets, "What's happening?"

Frisk ran into the hallway with a gun, a handgun that you had to manually load, "Someone is trying to get into the house."

Sans' eye instantly flared the warning blue, and he looked over at me, "Did you lock the back door?"

I was about to answer, but then we heard the eerie creak of a door as the someone made it into the house. 

A/N: W0w that only took me months to upload. Sorry this has been such a freaking slow update, but this one STUMPED me. I can't believe I had such a hard time with this part. But, now that it's done, the rest of the story and updates should be quicker. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and thank you for waiting on me. 

I hope you're having a marvelous time zone, and stay glitchy. 

~ anonymous_glitch 

Under Water 2: The Red Harren [completed]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt