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Frisk's POV:

A new version of Ghostbusters came on, signifying it was midnight. The crew and I had been dancing for the entire time, excluding a few snack breaks and try-not-to-pass-out-from-the-amount-of-body-heat-in-this-room-and-dancing-too-much breaks.

Once the song came on, though, there was an eerie feeling in the room that I just couldn't shake. It had been around two months since something had reminded us so strongly of Chara's absence, and it was really hitting us hard.

"Terrifying, isn't it?" Someone whispered behind me, and I whipped around to face them. But no one was there.

"How quickly bad memories can come flooding back," I turned to where the voice was once again behind me.

"How mortifying events like these can be when one of your best friends has been kidnapped by your worst enemy. The worst part? You don't even know what I've done to her."

He was taunting me.

"I could have killed her by now, and none of you would know. I could have tortured her, starved her, isolated her to insanity. She could be gone from all of and none of you would have a clue."

Where was he?

"This was the song they played in celebration of you, Sans, Monster Kid, Chara, Asriel, and Undyne saving the school. This was your guys' song, wasn't it?"

"Go away," I mumbled.

"Well, now it's my song."

There was a collective scream from around half the gym as a wall blew up near the right corner of the gym. People on the stage dived away, others went flying from the explosion, the lucky few ran away in time, and the whole place was sent into chaos.

I was frozen. I saw something emerging from the dust, someone who I never thought would turn on us.

Asriel saw them too. MK saw them. Sans saw them. Alphys saw them. Undyne saw them. We were all collectively frozen.

"Now, it's our night."

I screamed as Nightmare grabbed my arm and dragged me away from the group.

They all let out startled shouts and MK grabbed my hand, not letting go. I held back with a killer grip, and Chara brushed herself off as she stopped a few feet away from the group.

Asriel choked on his words. He couldn't believe his sister was here. If there was any Chara left in the shell of her body.

"You left her behind," Nightmare said to me, an arm still around my neck, holding me away from the people who could protect me. "And now she's on my side."

"You," Chara was looking straight at Asriel.

He could only stutter in supply, his eyes wide with an undescribable flurry of emotions.

"You left me behind."

"He didn't," Sans jumped to his defense.

"You all left me behind!" Chara snapped.

MK death glared Nightmare and pulled me out of his grasp, which had been distracted with Chara's reaction to her old friends.

He pulled me close and I instinctively wrapped my arms around him.

"Awww, how cute. You think you can protect her? You all think that you can stop me?" Nightmare laughed.

I didn't look at him. I refused to turn his way.

"You are never going to hurt our friends again," MK spoke in a dark tone.

"And you're going to stop me?" He had a powerful taunting tone to his voice, "You can't even protect yourself. How do you expect to protect others?"

Nightmare jumped a little bit as a bone attack flew by his face, almost hitting him. He looked over to Sans, whose eye was nearly lighting up the area around him.

"I think I may have upset the short skeleton."

"Leave, right now," Sans demanded.

"Why would I do that? The fun's only starting."

Chara lunged at Asriel, drawing a knife, holding it above his head as she pinned him. Undyne grabbed under her arms and threw her off of him before she could even try to move the knife towards him.

She let out an irritated scream as she was flung away from Asriel. Undyne summoned a spear and took a battle stance.

"Look at this, look at this," Nightmare walked over to Chara's side, crossing his arms.

"How the tables have turned." She smirked with an unreasonable hatred.

I turned to face them fully, staring right at Chara.

"You're wrong."

"Excuse me?"

"You're wrong," I repeated myself. "We've been looking for you. We didn't let you go like that. We have been fighting for you."

"Then where were you?"

"We didn't know where you were. We couldn't be there if we didn't know where where was."


"You don't have to believe us," Sans stepped in, "It's just the truth."

"It's your truth, not my truth," Chara narrowed her eyes at him, "And why should I trust any of you?"

"You are the reason she was targetted in the first place." Nightmare was staring at me as he told us that.

"You knew the dangers of hanging around with us from the first day. You heard the new stories, you heard our stories, you knew to be cautious. We did everything we could." Sans continued.

"I don't believe you."

"Then don't," Asriel quietly snapped.

Chara looked over at him, and he looked up as she did so.

"You no longer appear to be our friend. Our ally. We don't need your help if you're going to refuse to believe us. We have better people to help and protect."

Chara seemed. . . hurt by that. And everyone else was shocked. Asriel had just turned on his own sister, the one person he had lost sleep over, the one person he had never given up hope on. And he had in only these few exchanged sentences. Only in a few words, he had gone from obsessive brotherly love to a broken soul hatred.

Though, he may have realized that this was no longer his sister. It was just the broken shell of her.

Just a shell. . .

Under Water 2: The Red Harren [completed]Where stories live. Discover now