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I sighed as the bus doors closed behind me and I walked to the back, wanting to glare back at the people who stared at me as I passed by.

MK gave me a concerned look as I focused my attention on my lap, fidgeting with the charm bracelet that I had put on amidst the chaos this morning.

"Are you okay, Frisk?" His naturally loud voice asked me.

I sighed, "Someone was in my house."

"What?!" MK freaked out.

"Woah, woah, not physically there, but. . . Someone was whispering to me. . ." I confided in him.

"What did they say?" MK seemed interested, but not in a book way, an I'll-kill-someone-if-they-try-to-hurt-you friend way.

"They said something about me knowing secrets, and that I held an unknown power and that I'd find out soon. The typical glitch messing with my head bullshrimp."

MK giggled a little bit as I said the last part and I elbowed him playfully.

"What? Just because I'm not the Ambassador of Monsters anymore doesn't mean I can let my reputation degrade!"

"Oh, it wasn't that good before," He joked and I pulled his head down towards me, giving him a noogie, or as much of one as I could.

"Okay, okay!" I let him up, "But I'm not going to stop teasing you."

"Oh, okay, spiky mohawk." I rolled my eyes a little bit.

"Hey! I was born with this hair!" He defended himself.

"Doesn't mean I won't stop teasing you," I mocked him.

He head butted me a little bit and we both laughed, continuing to sarcastically taunt each other. This felt familiar, alongside many other things I did, but this also felt natural. We were born friends, as Chara said.

The bus pulled up to the school soon enough and we all filled off, releasing us from the stuffy bus. Asriel and Chara ran over, giving me a bit of deja vu from the dream, but I shook it off.

"How's your leg doing?" I asked, knowing she had gotten the cast off over the weekend.

"It's doing better. I can run better now," She smiled a small smile, being the innocent Chara she was.

"Not fast enough, though!" Asriel jumped on her back, making her protest and fall backward.

The three of us laughed and Chara groaned, Asriel getting up quicker than her.

"Asriel, you tore my dress!" She gestured to a small tear in near the bottom of her green and yellow striped dress.

"Ahhh, mom can fix that," Asriel brushed it off.

"I guess she can get you a new crush too, then!" She threatened.

"Hey, don't you dare!" Asriel's face heated up.

"Ooh, royal drama," I walked between the two, leaning an arm on Asriel's shoulder, "Who's the girl?"

He frowned at me, "Or guy! Anyway, who is it?"

He narrowed his eyes at Chara for a moment, "Wya."

"Whaaaat?" MK butted in, head butting Asriel in the back.

"Guuyyysss," Asriel groaned through gritted teeth.

"Come on, I would never do that to you. Unlike you did to my dress!" Chara stressed, gesturing to the tear dramatically.

"You're such a perfectionist, Chara," I put an arm around her shoulders, "Don't you have like, six others?"

"Yeah, but, this is going to mess up my system."

"Are you sure she's not a neat freak, Frisk?" MK suggested.

We all slowly made our way to the doors, alongside the other half of the school.

"What's even the difference?" Asriel grumbled, in a bit of a bad mood now.

"There is a different, just a very small difference, Asriel," She turned around and walked backward for a while, "I could explain it to you if you want a lecture."

"Well, I need to get to class." Asriel rushed off, clinging to his books and binders and pencil cases.

"You know, you should put some of that in your bag!" I suggested loudly.

"Sue me!" He called back, trying not to laugh.

The three of us laughed for a few seconds, before hearing the bell.

"Well, we all need to get to class." Chara wondered in the direction of her class.

"Alright, well, see you at lunch." I waved, and MK signed off too.

Definitely a better day today.

Under Water 2: The Red Harren [completed]Where stories live. Discover now