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The three of us had dropped our bags in the school lobby, near the office, and took off before the teachers could ask anything. They trusted me, and I trusted my gut instinct, which was rarely wrong.

I tried the line again, and once again, no one picked up. I could feel myself panicking, knowing that I might have just sent good officers to their death. We were less than a block away at the pace we were going, and I felt myself running faster, pushing my limit.

As we rounded the corner I didn't take notice to the police cars parked out front, but instead the fact that they were empty and my front door was open.

"No!" I cried, bolting towards my house.

"Frisk, wait!" I heard one of them call, but I was already tripping up the steps.

I stopped as soon as I was through the front door and I stopped in my tracks and I stepped on a bullet. The other three caught up with me and I hushed them. They said nothing. I slowly walked towards the kitchen, where I could see bullet marks on the wall.

I clamped a hand over my mouth as I saw two officers dead, their eye still open, horror plastered on their face. I saw one thing that both of them had, though: thin, red, lines. Strings had strangled them. . . to death.

I turned around and pushed past the other three, who were all having panicked reactions. I checked my room and wished I had a gun as Error stood little ways from the doorway.

"N-N-Nice of you to j-join the party," He smiled, grabbing my arms with strings.

"Hey!" MK shouted and the three ran towards my room.

"Brought y-y-yours friends, h-hey?" Error stepped into the hallway, dragging me out of the way, and caught them up in the strings.

"You just killed police officers! You killed them!" Chara lashed out.

"And I-I-I won't stop there," He grinned and they all stopped moving, a sickly crack filling the room for a second.

I screamed and Error turned to face me.

"See you s-s-soon, Frisk."

I could hear another crack and my vision went black. I sat up in bed, sweating too much. I rubbed my arms and rocked myself as I had a panic attack, knowing there was no way to stop this one.

I wanted someone beside me right now, something that I felt after every nightmare. I wanted someone here to hold me like there was before. That was something that Sans had told me, how there would always be someone at my side after the nightmares. Alphys was the one to mention that it was often Sans.

God, I had messed up. I shouldn't have snapped at either of them like that. But they just. . . They didn't understand and it drove me insane.

I sniffled and looked out the window, noticing that the sun was slowly crawling its way onto the sky. I didn't wake up from that disaster of a nightmare too early, but early enough to feel beyond exhausted.

Sighing, I stood up and headed to the washroom, turning on the shower. For a half an hour I just stood motionless in the shower, letting the hot water calm my lung and the music calm my nerves. I wanted to help everyone, I wanted to save everyone, that always happened in the nightmares. And it always got me killed.

I frowned and turned off the shower, only needing a rinse. I got dressed in some black and purple flower dotted tights, a Lorde t-shirt, my Katniss boots and put my shoulder length brown hair into a sarcastic ponytail.

I clicked open my laptop, checking the timeline monitoring app, making sure nothing had spiked over night. There had been a little bit of a spike around one in the morning, but nothing had come through. I was safe, for the time being.

I thought back to the first-second time I been taught how the app worked, with how Alphys had to explain everything to me in a really odd way. She kept on repeating the fact she knew that I knew this, and I knew that she knew that I knew this, and the conversations were just odd. Sometimes this whole forgetting the first almost twenty years of my life thing wasn't too bad, just annoying. But sometimes funny.

Everyone knew I knew what I knew, but just that I had forgotten it. I knew how to write, I just didn't know that I knew it until they showed me again. I luckily remembered how to talk, which was really handy, but most of the basic skills I had forgotten.

Apparently, before the accident, I was somewhat of an artist, as Sans showed me in the basement of my small house, where I stored all my paintings and sketches and print offs of my online work. I was impressed by what past me had done, by the fact I could learn something as difficult as drawing or painting and actually be decent at it.

The strangest thing about my artistry was the fact that, as soon as I picked up a pencil or paint brush, I somehow knew what to do. My body knew what to do, my brain did, but I didn't know that I knew how to do it.

Alphys told me that my amnesia was not, in fact, a total loss but only partial. There was something in my mind that was blocking me from remembering what had happened the past few years, something that not even I knew how to unlodge. She also told me that muscle memory probably added into this odd equation, but pushed me to believe it was mostly my mind.

Sometimes when I looked at the paintings I would feel something, a strong emotion or even a flash of a memory. But I would never be able to remember what would happen, it would just flash for a second, reminding me that there wasn't any recovering it.

I stopped thinking about this, realizing I had been standing in my hallway for the five minutes I had thought about this. I walked to the kitchen, where I swiftly made a tuna wrap with lettuce and mayonnaise, alongside a smoothie consisting of strawberry, chocolate syrup, raspberry, kiwi, blueberries, vanilla flavored Greek yogurt and some milk. I threw that into a bottle and put it in the pocket of my backpack, deciding I would drink it on the way to school.

I glanced at the basement door for a long moment, my mind urging me to go down there. I checked at the time, seeing that I had a good ten minutes before I had to get going to the bus stop.

I frowned at the door for a second before I walked towards it, turning the handle.

"You don't know what secrets you withhold," Someone whispered into my ear, right behind me.

I whipped around to see who it was but saw no one behind me.

"If there's someone here, either get out or show yourself!" I called into the empty house.

After a few seconds of radio silence, I turned back around and opened the door, peering into pitch darkness for a few seconds.

"You don't know the power you possess," The whisper sounded like it came from the basement this time.

I flicked on the light switched and galloped down the stairs, looking around the basement as quickly as I could.

"But you'll find that out soon enough," The voice faded out as if the person had left the room.

I shook my head and headed back upstairs, and just in time because I was five minutes late for walking to the bus stop now.

I cursed under my breath as I grabbed my backpack and keys, slamming the door behind me accidentally as I frantically tried to lock the door. As soon as the lock clicked into place I took off, rushing to the bus stop.

This wasn't the first time someone had whispered a false prophecy to me and I'm sure it won't be the last.

Under Water 2: The Red Harren [completed]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα