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Elaine's POV:

I knew these people. . . Frisk looked like my mom, Frisk. Mettaton looked. . . similar to the Mettaton I knew. Toriel, Alphys, Undyne, Grillby, Papyrus, everyone here looked like the people I knew from where I lived. I knew about the multiverse and alternate timelines, mom and dad had discussed them before and I had heard about them before, too.

But, why was I here? I didn't have powers, as far as I knew. And if I had teleported here, somehow, why had I ended up here, out of all places?

"Elaine?" I flinched at the sudden mention of my name, "You want to come and stay with me?" Frisk was asking.

"O-oh," I thought about it for a second, "Sure."

The group continued to talk after that short intervention, but I couldn't hear them out of the static that filled my head. Something was wrong. Maybe one of my dreams, or nightmares, would explain it. I had them often enough that I could try and interpret them.

One of the ones that freaked me out the most was. . . In this one, in this nightmare, Sans was there. But not my dad, Sans, someone who looked like him, but with a different appearance. He looked like he was melting, and his eye was lit up blue like he was constantly ready and in attack mode.

After a few times of being in this scenario, I realized that I was a young child, based off of how the bed around me looked, and the angle that he approached me.

This Sans would stand over me, and sometimes, he would reach a hand out and touch my forehead, and his other eye socket would glow the same blue as if he was using so much power the light was leaking out of the other eye socket.

And then I would wake up, most of the time worried that someone was in my room. I never knew what it meant. I didn't know if it was my subconscious generating this dream-land to tell me something, or it had really happened. If I had some sort of connection to the terrible things that happened to my parents, the people who had taken my dad away, I knew, I just didn't understand it. 

I wasn't that stupid. My family, had something to do with this, even if we didn't know what.

"Let's head out," My mind heard that, and I snapped out of it, moving my legs over the edge of the bed, attempting to stand up.

I succeeded, with a definite effort, and smiled at Frisk, who looked concerned. "I got this," I reassured her.

She nodded, and everyone started out of the room. I trailed behind, still astonished at the fact that I knew, yet didn't know, everyone here.

Frisk and Sans were walking together, Alphys and Undyne were walking together, Toriel was walking with Papyrus, and they all clumped in one big group. It was so oddly familiar. I felt nostalgic.

"You okay, back there?" Sans asked me.

I nodded, "As good as I can be." I had gotten better at lying.

He nodded, but I could tell he hadn't believed me, based on how he was still slightly frowning at me. Maybe I wasn't that good?

~ * ~

Sans and Frisk were only a few steps away from the guest bedroom, which was comforting because if anything or anyone attacked me they would be right there.

I laid down on the bed, the world feeling lighter than air and I buried under the sheets, hiding my head and only leaving a small hole to peek through. I hadn't done that since I was young. This whole experience was making me feel like a child again. 

I closed my eyes and was whisked away into another terrain. I opened my eyes again and looked around. The room was dark. I turned around in a circle as my eyes adjusted.

Under Water 2: The Red Harren [completed]Where stories live. Discover now