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I walked through the crowded streets of down town, looking around, confused as to why I was here. I didn't remember waking up, let out going to down town. I frowned a little bit, trying to think of what I had done last. Was this a dream? Or was I awake, just too tired to remember that I was actually up? But I felt well rested. . .

I bumped into someone in my deep thoughts, snapping back into reality. It was Sans!

"O-Oh! I-I'm sorry. I, uh, wasn't looking where I was going." I apologized, feeling uncomfortable in his presence.

"Oh, it's fine," He pulled out his phone, showing me my website from his phone, "Just know that next time if you have something to say to me or the others, say it to our faces. It's pretty cowardly to do it behind a computer screen."

I sat up in my bed, my alarm summoning me awake. I quickly checked that no one had called, then checked on the video. It had two million views and counting, many people commenting things that they never thought about this, or that they didn't have the guts to confront someone like I had in the video, or disagreeing with my points.

I smiled at the steady flow of comments and views, feeling like I had really helped people. Even if it was just a video, a very under educated and under structured video, but one of the rawest and honest I had ever published on my blog. It had helped people.

Sighing I stood up from my bed, stretching, peeking through the bamboo curtains, checking to see where the sun was. I smiled as it peaked over the horizon, waving over the park and houses.

"Scary, isn't it?" A voice said from behind me, making me jump and turn around.

"Having that much power in your hands and not knowing how to use it." Nightmare gestured to my phone, which was still open to the blog, softly playing music through the speaker it was charging on.

I didn't move, barely breathed even.

He smiled, a strange smile to say the least, "You know that you're powerful. You know that, Frisk. But you refuse to use that power. You could end wars--"

"I have. And I don't plan on throwing out my regular life right now for the life I had before in the government. I may not remember it but I can assume what it was like."

He laughed a little bit, walking towards me a little bit, "You're going to use that power, one way or another, Frisk. Because though you might be strong, Chara isn't."

"Don't you dare touch her!" I shouted, my voice cracking.

Tilting his head a little bit he took a few more steps towards me, now only inches from my petite and shaking body.

"I won't hurt her. But she isn't strong. I will take her. And I'll take you down with her."

I let out a battle scream and pushed him back, rage boiling in my stomach.

"If you hurt my friends, you will pay." I threatened.

"Oh, I count on it." He smiled wide, before disappearing from my room.

I quickly grabbed my phone and called up Chara, whose phone went straight to voicemail. I cursed under my breath a little bit as I quickly got changed, sarcastically checking that I had everything for school. I slapped together a chicken Ceasar salad and rushed out the door, running to Chara and Asriel's place.


I knocked on the door loudly, greeted by Asgore, who was fully dressed and wide awake. Oh, yeah, I forgot that he was a little nocturnal.

"H-Hi, s-sir! I-I am sorry to disturb you at t-this hour, but--"

"Frisk, you do not need to address me as the King. Address me as a friend, please."

I stiffened before nodding, "I think that Nightmare might be here. H-He attacked us earlier, me, MK, Chara, and Asriel. H-He threatened Chara and me."

Asgore frowned, looking at the floor, "They didn't mention anything like that happening."

I flinched a little bit and Asgore peered over his shoulder as a blood-curdling scream rang from upstairs, up the grand staircase made of dark oak.

We both took off up the stairs, me being the one to open the door. Nightmare disappeared as the light hit his back, sensing our presence. Chara had sunken into the corner, holding herself in a tight hug, at the climax of a panic attack.

I ran over, taking her into a hug.

"H-He. . . He almost g-g-got me. . ." She said with her voice nothing but a whisper.

"But he didn't. And I don't plan on letting him get you, Chara." I replied, looking at her over our shoulders.

She stared at the spot where he had stood, blinking very little. It was like he was still there; standing over her.

"Chara, why did you not tell me about this 'Nightmare' person?" Asgore asked, now near us, one leg on the ground as to get to our level.

"I-I didn't want to worry you. . ."

"I don't care about me, Chara," He said sternly, "I care about you and Asriel. I would have taken the necessary steps to keep you safe if I had known that someone was after you."

"What's with all the noise?" Asriel rubbed his eyes, just waking up now.

"How did you sleep through that?" I scowled.

"He sleeps like a l-log. . ." Chara joked, shooting him a look.

"And you sleep like a frantic cat," He rolled his green eyes, sitting next to us.

"He came back, huh?" He already knew.

She nodded and I slipped away from the hug, rubbing my arm, trying to calm myself down.

"He was at my house before," All three pairs of eyes turned to me, "But he didn't try anything."

"Guess he was saving it for my sister," Asriel commented in an angry tone.

"Did you get a notification, Frisk?" Chara prompted a different conversation string.

I checked my phone again, just to make sure that I hadn't. And I hadn't.

"N-No, I-I didn't. . ." My voice had gone up a pitch.

"Does that mean. . .?" Asriel didn't want to say it out loud.

"We have no warning." I finished for him.

Under Water 2: The Red Harren [completed]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin