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Frisk's POV:

It had been a week. I hadn't left the house. Sans, MK, and a few others had come by a few times, but I hadn't answered. I had over fifty texts on my phone, all unread, all received in silence. I had only moved around the house, rarely glancing out the windows.

Not even the glitches had taunted me. The world seemed to frozen, just as I was.

I rolled over on the bed, staring at the blank wall. At this point, I'd rather something happen, something to kick start my mind. Even the sound of that terrifying timeline app that Alphys had developed would have at least given me a reason to get out of the bed that seemed to be swallowing me alive.

The sound of any glitches' voice would have been a push to the light. But nothing came. Nothing had come for five days. Five, dreary, dragged out, dull, days.

I audibly sighed and sat up, rubbing my eyes. I hadn't showered in those fives days or changed in those five days. I heard a knock on the door and rolled my eyes, going over to it, but was beat to it when the door busted open, and Mettaton strutted in.

I stepped back, "How did you get the door open--?"

"Frisk, darling! You look like you've been trapped up in here for years. I am here for a makeover! I will help you in your grief! Mettaton is here to save the day." He struck multiple poses throughout the conversation.

I sighed, "Mettaton, I'm not in the mood--"

"I will not take no for an answer, Frisk! We both know how stubborn I can be."

I rolled my eyes, "Fine."

"Alright!" They struck a victory pose, "Go get showered, and I will choose an outfit for you!"

"Is this really necessary--?"

"It is always necessary, Frisk! Now, off you go! I will be waiting!"

I didn't protest, really knowing how stubborn he was, and headed towards the bathroom, quickly showering. Some of his. . . the overly energetic energy was had worn off on me, and I was kind of excited to spend a day with my overly dramatic famous murderous robot monster friend. His words, not mine.

As I peeked out from the bathroom, I saw an outfit laid out on the bed, and no one else in the room. I got changed into it and found that it was a luxurious outfit that Mettaton had personally supplied me.

There were Forever 21 ripped jeans, the full-length ones that had that strange white-blue color on them, that he just so happened to know as one of my favorite "color" of jeans. A camouflage cold-shoulder shirt, which was conservative yet exposed a comfortable amount of skin for me. Lastly, a pair of Canvas wedges, which weren't a ridiculous height, and in one of my top three blue's, which was midnight blue.

He had spoiled me even though I had tried to turn him away before he even got through the front door. If he hadn't gotten through the front door before I had the chance, that is.

"When you have a stubborn human, send a more stubborn monster to help them heal." I heard a low toned voice said, and I turned to face Sans.

I smiled, "I could have been naked, you perv."

He laughed, "I made sure I gave you enough time."

I sighed and walked over to him, hugging him.

"How do you always know the perfect time to send the over energetic and stubborn robot to make my day?"

"This isn't the first time an annoying glitch has sent you into a state of shut down." He rubbed my back as we hugged, in circles, like I did with him.

"Alright, alright, alright," Mettaton burst into the room and whisked me away from Sans, dipping me, "I get to have her for the day."

"Aww, come on, Metta--" Sans was being smug.

Mettaton brought me back up and lifted me off the ground, throwing me over his shoulders, "I get her for the day!"

And then ran out of the room, out of the house, and into a limo, gently throwing me into one of the seats.

I could see Sans walk out the front door, laughing, and he waved. I waved back, and the limo pulled off.

"It's going to be an incredible day, darling!" 

Under Water 2: The Red Harren [completed]Where stories live. Discover now