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I woke up slowly, realizing it was the weekend. I sighed and looked out the window, the universe seemingly understanding how I felt. It wasn't what had happened with Sans. It was the fact that I had lived in fear for my life a long time, which I was fine with and had gotten used to, but now one of my friends had to live like that. And she deserves far from that.

Slowly I got up, feeling like my bones were heavier, my face tired out and relaxing into a sad-neutral expression.

I had no reason to feel like this. I was happy yesterday. I was overjoyed yesterday. But today. . . Today I just wanted to sleep. I wanted to curl up in my bed and never wake up, take a break from the constant anxiety that hovered itself above me, away from the constant fear of existing.

That doesn't happen though. The only way to stop existing is to either die or disappear. And I couldn't do either at this point.

I slowly walked into the kitchen, catching a glance of something outside. I pulled down the blinds aggressively, "Not today. I can't today."

I quickly checked my phone for any glitches and saw that one had entered an hour ago and was still in the timeline. I grabbed a large knife from the knife block as I heard footsteps, whipping around to face whatever it was.

And it was terrifying.

I dropped the knife and fell to the ground as the thing approached, leaning down to tower over me closely.

"This is just terrifying, isn't it?" A different version of Chara spoke, grinning at me after she had said that. "Being able to see what happens if you fail to protect her. She was strong before, but she isn't anymore. She needs your help. Are you going to be there? Or is she going to end like me? Turn out like me?"

I looked away from her, trying to shuffle away from her. I could feel a panic attack coming on. How the hell did all these glitches know how to break me down?

"Where do you think you're going?" She grabbed my arm, making me freeze. 

I could then feel the cold presence of a knife against my throat, "I could make this so much easier. For your friends, for the others, for me. If you're gone, that means that this timeline's protection is gone. Which is hilarious, since you're the reason this place is in danger in the first place. So I can either make this a game or make it the ending. Hmm. . ." She rambled, talking as if I wasn't even here.

I shivered a little bit, not moving. I really hoped she killed me at this point. She wasn't the first one to play these kinds of mind games. And I wasn't ready for mind games. Not today.

"I'll spare you," She took the knife away from my neck, twirling it around, still holding my arm with a tight grip.

I suddenly got the courage to defend myself and pushed her back, her ricocheting off of the counter and onto the ground. I pushed past her, momentarily seeing something from her past, but quickly moving on and out of the house, her struggling to stay close behind me.

I pushed the door closed and I could hear her stabbing the door, "You know that someone will get you! I will! Or Error will! Or maybe even Nightmare?"

"Leave me alone!" I sobbed, pressuring the door even more as she tried to bang it open.

"Frisk, are you okay?" MK's voice sounded behind me and the noise stopped, leaving me to look like I was sobbing outside of my house for no just reason.

"I-I," I slowly stood up, creaking the door open, "T-T-There w-was. . ."

"A glitch? Yeah, I have the app too. You weren't the only one at that park," He walked up the steps and looked at me sympathetically, "Who was it this time?"

"C-Chara. She. . . She said s-some things t-that. . . Well. . ." My voice got quieter and quieter as I went on, feeling more and more anxious just thinking about it.

MK nodded, "Don't worry. She's gone now. Do you want me to stay here? In case she comes back?"

I nodded, keeping my violently shaking hands close to me, opening the door and letting the two of us in. Both heading to my bedroom I made myself comfortable, MK sitting in my office chair a few feet away from the bed.

I heard him chuckle and I sat up slightly, confused as to why he was chuckling. My heart dropped as his figure melted into Nightmare's figure, triumphantly sitting in the chair, spinning around to face me dramatically.

I sat up and almost fell out of the bed as I scrambled to my feet, him standing up as I did so.

"You're so gullible," He stated, walking over and towering above me, smirking at my terrified expression, "You should really have your guard up after everything that's happened to you."

"I-I don't--"

"You don't remember, I know," Nightmare threw his hands around dramatically, sounding exhausted that I kept on repeating that fact, "I was the cause, after all."

I frowned, "I-I know that. So why do you keep on trying to ruin my life? You already ruined it once."

Nightmare chuckled, grabbing one of my arms and pinning it above my head, grabbing the other one and holding it close to him once I started to struggle almost immediately, "Because you're in my way. And whatever is in my way, I destroy."

I whimper a little bit as he squeezes my wrist, attempting to break it, "And if you won't break, then I know Chara will."

"You leave--!" I cut myself off with a scream as I heard my wrist crack, him actually breaking something.

He let me fall to my knees, holding my now broken wrist close to me, the pain making me squint my eyes.

"It's just a test of who fails first."

Under Water 2: The Red Harren [completed]Where stories live. Discover now