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I stopped momentarily in my tracks before I continued on, hoping that she hadn’t seen me. Why is she here in the first place? I figured it was probably to scheme up something else with Peyton before starting the day off. When I saw her make her way towards us, I stopped again just short of the car causing Lucas to look suspiciously towards me to see what was wrong.

“What’s up glasses? You’re gonna be late for work come on...Maya?” His gaze followed mine and I could hear him inhale sharply before he pressed a button on his remote to start the car. I shook my head and reached for the door handle, but before I could get in the car she had reached us.

“Maya, can we talk please?” When Lucas tossed my phone to me earlier this morning, the face time chat from my mom wasn’t the only call that I’d missed.

“I’m running late for work Smackle.” I went to get in the car with Lucas, but Smackle grabbed my arm.

“I have classes. I’m going there anyway, I’ll take you. I just want to talk and explain myself Maya please?”

Smackle spoke with a type of desperation in her voice and I couldn’t help but notice the sincerity in her eyes. Lucas turned the ignition off and was looking at me perplexed before he spoke to Smackle. In the midst of our argument last night I wasn’t even able to tell him that Smackle is the culprit behind my early dismissal from Maudsley. I turned my attention fully back on Smackle and even though I was skeptical, I hadn’t really given her the chance to talk after I heard Peyton’s half. I nodded to her causing a small smile to appear on her face before I turned to Lucas. His eyebrows were raised still confused by my hesitation to go with her.

“You’re riding with Smackle then?”

“Yeah, but I don’t really want to. I’m forcing myself to.” Lucas raised an eyebrow at me obviously still in the dark. I leaned in the car to give him a small peck on the lips and smiled to myself when he grabbed the back of my head and planted a kiss on my forehead. When Lucas pulled away there was a small smile that played across his lips before he yawned and waved me away.

“Smackle is saving me money on petrol,” Lucas smiled at me and then said ‘gas’ causing me to roll my eyes. “Go, you’re gonna be late. I love you.” I mouthed the words back to him before he waved at Smackle and pulled off. I turned around with reluctance weighing heavily on my shoulders as I followed Smackle back to Niall’s car.

There was an awkward silence that fell over us as she started the ignition and I couldn’t help the way my mind started to wander to last night. Every event started to unfold in front of my mind and my anger rose again when I remembered Peyton’s words.

“Tell her how you would tell me that you could do a better job at it than her and that she needed to go back home.”

When Smackle spoke she broke up my daydream. I hadn’t even realized that she had begun to drive. I fumbled with the buttons of my coat and then crossed my arms in front of me. Smackle said that she wanted to explain herself, but right now all I hear is rambling and her trying to make small talk with me. I began to get anxious and annoyed. I could have gotten a ride with Lucas and been comfortable.

“Smackle, I highly doubt you drove past your school to meet me at the Savoy and force me into riding in the car with you so that you could babble. Excuse me if I’m less than enthused to hear about whatever it is you were just talking about, but can we just get to the point?” Smackle darted her eyes over towards me and then back to the road as she merged into her right lane. We were more than halfway to the university so whatever she has to say it better come out fast.

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