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The reason i haven't updated is because i was getting alot of hate comments about this book. I get that you want lucaya to happen but you need to be patient. If you can't then stop reading i don't care. If you dislike the mature content i put in my books stop reading. Read another book about lucaya. Some books make lucaya happen easily and so fast. Well not in this book. This book teaches alot of life, love, work, and friendship. Not all about lucaya.

This book is basically like in real life but in a movie, except that lucaya happens. This book shows us that it's alright to make mistakes. But it's never alright to hurt the ones you love. To find love, you have to go through a rough time. Love doesn't always come. So Maya had the chance and she blew it. Lucas was really starting to love her. Actually he did love her. He even said it in the last book.

AND to all of you people who have commented nice things, thank you for reading and voting. And yes, i have deleted the meanest comments on the last chapter because honestly it was bullshit.


After the other day’s surprise chat with Maya the pain in my stomach began to grow. I tried to ignore it but it hurt so much I ended up doubling over from it at work yesterday making Zay's dad send me home early. I woke this morning to the sun’s rays fighting to get through the fog and I felt as if nature was trying to give me some type of metaphor that I wasn’t prepared to take on.

When I stood from bed the pain was still there just as sharp as it was yesterday. I checked my clock and when I saw that it was half past nine, I called Tamsin in hopes that she wasn’t at work yet.

“Good morning Lulu.” I hate it when she calls me that. I’ve hated it ever since we were younger.

“Don’t call me that! Are you um, available at the moment?” I kept my voice low in case my mum was still here and feel like I’m a child sneaking around as I open my door and look up and down the hallway to see if I’m alone. I need to move out. Maybe that’s something I can discuss with Dr. Baker, she can help convince my mother that it’s a good idea instead of asking me the other intrusive shit.

“Come off it Lucas! Why are you talking like I’m a prostitute and you're trying to buy my services? I’ve known you for years now. Now rephrase that question.” Why do we have to go through this song and dance? She knows why I’m calling, it’s the only reason I call her. I rolled my eyes before I spoke getting annoyed.

“Are you working? I need a shag.”

“There we go. You know, you really do know how to talk to a lady.”

“If I were talking to a lady I would never have asked in the first place.”

“Knock her straight off her feet.”

“Okay Tamsin I get it. I’m a rude tosser now are you home?”

“I’m not home but my lunch break is in thirty minutes. I have an hour. You can meet me at my house-”

“Mine is closer to your job, and no one is here, just meet me at mine.”

Tamsin agreed and after I got off the phone, I got into the shower hoping the warm water would calm the ache I felt in the pit of my stomach but it did nothing. Once I got out, I wrapped a towel around my waist and laid down on my bed reading old texts from Maya while I’m waiting on Tamsin. I shook the thought from my head that was about to remind me how pathetic I am when I hear my doorbell ring.

When Tamsin walked in I closed the door behind her and turned on my heel going straight towards my room not speaking. This is normally how it happens. Not a word is spoken before or after for the most part, just sex. We get into my room and Tamsin takes off her shoes and then unzips her skirt on the side, allowing the material to fall to the ground. She pushes me back on the bed taking my towel off as I lay backwards. She falls to her knees in front of me and I can feel her lips wrap around me as she begins to suck.

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