496 20 7

I hope this update has no mistakes.


I lied in bed under Lucas completely sated with what just happened. His breathing was coming out more even now and I’m sure that both of our heart rates have calmed themselves from their heightened state. That was amazing, and I can’t stop smiling. I even tried to bite my lips to act more normal but the stupid grin still came through. I ran my fingers through Lucas hair trying undo the tangles that I'm sure I put there and he jumped when I pulled a piece on accident.

“Ouch glasses! Have you not pulled it enough tonight?” He raised his head to look at me resting his chin in the valley between my breast. He still had a hint of mischief in his eyes and even though I was happy that he finally let go, after four orgasms in a row I don’t think I can bear anymore tonight.

“Sorry.” Lucas kept his chin there for a moment then raised his eyebrows and furrowed them with a pensive look on his face as if he wanted to say something. He pushed himself off of me and then laid beside me with his face twisted deep in thought. I covered myself with a blanket, still not used to being so exposed before I broke the comfortable silence.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Lucas started smiling at me, but answered too quickly and I knew that he was lying. Before I could get annoyed and bring that to his attention he cut me off before I even started.


I’m high off my ass but I can’t tell her. I think that's what made me text her today. I really did intend to have her sleep at the hotel to give myself some space from her, but when Niall got me high and started talking about how I should leave her alone, it made me want to talk to her more. The last thing I want to do is start another argument, especially after what we just did. I thought of something to say before she got overly sensitive about being able to spot a lie.

“I need to be able to feel you.” It’s not lie, but it’s not what I was going to tell her either. What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her. She looked at me confused and then grinned at me before slapping my hand when I tried to pull that damn comforter down. Next time I’m going to take all of the sheets out of my room so that she has nowhere to hide.

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t want to wear a condom anymore.” Her eyes widened and I couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped my lips at her expression.

“Oh...Can you not feel me with the condom?” Her cheeks turned pink. She always gets so embarrassed when we talk about sex...unless she’s horny that is, then she turns into a whole other person.

“Yes and no. I mean you’re so tight that it’s hard not to feel some things, but I want to be able to have you and only you wrapped around me. It just makes shit easier. Will you go to the doctors and get on birth control?”

Maya twisted her face around and started playing with her fingers before she made a noise that neither told me yes or no. She curled into my side and lied down on my chest and it wasn’t until then that I had realized how she fits here next to me perfectly. I love her and I would do anything for her, and as scary as that is for me there’s nothing I can do to change it and I don’t want it to change.

My high starts to fade away making me more tired than usual and the work from tonight’s physical activity left us both lazy and exhausted. Before I drift off to sleep, the last thing I remember is her fingers tracing over my tattoos on my arm.

“Lucas?” I could hear someone calling my name but I can’t look up. I can see specs of blood on my jeans and I can’t tell if it’s his or mine.

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