Cycle breaker

207 6 2

QUiCk AuThOrs NotE

Okay so its been a while since I wrote/read any sandersides thing

So I am a bit rusty lol

In other words this is gonna suck
(I mean most of my writing is trash anyway lol)

I don't proofread anymore so this may and will have typos

Also I didn't have any ideas for this so I just looked up some stuff so I'll just put the prompts I used at the bottom to avoid spoilers


Virgil's perspective

Wake up, take a shower, have breakfast, go to work, work, have lunch, work, close up, go home, have dinner, play piano, shower, go to sleep

Repeat, again and again and again.

That's just my life

How boring I know-ah my alarm

I hit snooze on my phone and started to get ready

I take my phone and keys and walk out the door

The cafe Isn't too far away so I just walk there

As I walked in I was greeted by another employee

"Hey anx!"

"You're still calling me that?"

"Yep! Oh you seem like you're in bad mood"

"You noticed"

He smiled

"Yeppie! We do work together, what's wrong though?"

"Its nothing Patton"

"You sure kiddo?"


"Well if you say so!"

He says. the mood quickly lifted

I go to the counter as usual

I put on my name tag and relax

Patton is in charge of the sweets and drinks, I just take the orders since Patton forgets them easily

As usual the college guy walks in ordering a large black coffee

As usual he almost spills it on his laptop and I quickly give him a napkin

As usual he says sorry and thanks me

As usual there's quiet, the sounds of either rain or birds singing, the frantic typing of this dude 

I wanted to try and talk to him but I didn't want to ruin this peaceful cycle

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