Baking up a storm 1

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Hello my kind peeps so yeah I updated again, a lot of school stuff is being put on my shoulders so before I stress out and do them last minute I'll do another update.

Prompt by BBCanimefangirl I was rereading the prompt books and thought hey this is p cute so here have some cringe for your day/night.

Also I don't like swearing so just put whatever swear word you want in the ***

Here we go, hope you like it. Probs not


Roman's birthday is today, and anxiety wanted to do something special for Roman. He decided to make some sweets for him. Virgil didn't know any recipes so he just stood in the Kitchen, wondering what to make.

Anxiety's POV
Hmm I wonder what I should make for princey's birthday, cookies? maybe a cake Ugh Idk. I went to the kitchen but I don't even know what to make so what was the point?

L-hello anxiety, what are you planning?

"Ah ****"

L-*clears throat* would it hurt to use a more PG vocabulary anxiety

"Oh yeah right, sorry logic"

L-all has been forgiven. Moving on, what are you doing there exactly?

"Why would you need to know"

L-you could have worded that more "nicely"

"Niceness is not my forte"

L-that was not the right way of using the word forte, but I am going to ignore that mistake.

"K thanks"

L-sarcasm noted.

"Why are you even here again?"

L-there is no need for you to speak in that tone.

"Yeah, yeah, just help me out here"

L-you were attempting to make me leave but now you are asking for my assistance.

"Shut up and help me........please?"

L-alright, what is it that you needed help with?

"I wanted to make something for princey''

L-like what?

"I dunno a cake?"

L-then make a cake. Simple

"Its not that simple"

L-what do you mean?

"Like what flavor, how big is the cake going to be, how many layers, will I decorate it, what frosting, would I even use frosting? What if he doesn't like it, what if he-"

L-okay, okay I understand now. No need to explain anything further. I see your point.

"*sigh* maybe I can just hide in my room"


"I think he would like it better if I was out of his sight"


"We all know that he doesn't like me so I guess that would be a good thing."

L-oh no feelings

"Heh, yeah.."

L-i did that in attempt to enlighten the mood, was it successful?

"A little I guess"

L-i have no clue when it comes to emotions but I do know a "neat" cake recipe


L-yes and its vegan and chocolate flavored

"What, how would you know something like that"

L-well I heard that a certain personality trait is vegetarian and likes sweets so I had to look up some recipes for them.

"Oh okay that makes sense I guess" (huh, wonder who that is)

L-well shall we start?

"R-right now?!"

L-yeah come on, we have everything we need anyways besides we don't have all day

"B-but I don't know the recipe yet"

L-do not worry I'll help you.


The two proceeded to make the cake, it was going smoothly until.


A-ah ******* ****, oh da- uh Patton, hi

P-kiddo what did I tell you about swearing


P-becareful next time okay.


L-hello patton

P-oh hello logan, what are you two doing

L-we are making a cake

P-ooohhhh is it for roman

L-yes, it is

P-can I join!!!!

L-uuuuhh maybe no-

A-of course dad guy.

P-*gasp* yay

L-do you know how to bake morality?



A-sorry logic but, I cant bake as well

L-oh dear, well its alright anxiety, I can just teach you

A-thanks I guess

P-you can teach me too!

L-uh yeah, of course patton


The three continued making the confection although it didn't go as  smoothly as earlier, Patton kept spilling things and doing the wrong things. Logan wanted to tell Patton to sit this one out but anxiety insisted that he stayed and just looked up after patton.

And I'm sorry my in a hurry writing this part 2 will be put up probs in the weekends. Sorry for the bad stuff I did this freestyle with no proof reading so I hope its fine. Thankyou my kind peeps.

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