Blind date (kinda redo)

316 12 9

So what's up I'm back ya'll did you miss me, of course not but I'm back anyways *dabs*

I was trying to finish this but it like magically disapeared but then I found it again, so yeah.

So I really liked this one, but its such a shame I couldn't think of a way to continue it, luckily now I do so yeah.

I know anxiety's name is Virgil now but I'm not gonna change it for the sake of continuity.


You-hey how was your day?

You-what happened dear?😙

-Angel💕 is typing-

Angel💕-badly, where were you.

You-oh sorry I need to go, let's talk about this later I'll call you okay?


Angel's pov
- he seems busy, I wonder why, maybe he's hanging out with someone, a girl perhaps, or maybe another guy.... another lover, what if he's just messing with me that's why he-no now's not the time to think like that

Today has been horrible, I had to just meet that guy, what was his name, AH it doesn't matter. Whatever, its fine, its over now, damn I need to change schools again, but I cant just keep running away from my problems, but I don't wanna spend my whole college years with him-


Who could that be, maybe a friend-no I dont have any of those.



I don't know, what if they're bullies-no scratch that (this is not a moment its the movement... whoops sorry... wrong fandom) I'm not even worthy enough to be taunted by bullies.


Who could it be...... what could it be...

It could be anything


I feel myself starting to cry, I hate the unkown, it couldn't have been Roman since he told me he'll call me not message me, but what if it is him... oh but what if it isnt.

I slowly looked at my phone, and checked my notifications......

Thank god...

Its just roman.


👑 Roman 🌹

👑 Roman 🌹: hey angel (≧▽≦)

👑 Roman 🌹: sorry that I just randomly left, I was just thinking

👑 Roman 🌹: about how we should finally meet up, you know like a first date or something.

👑 Roman 🌹: sorry I randomly messaged you, I know you get scared with random notifications, but I know that you also hate calls and I didn't want to make things awkward for you.

You: its fine really, im glad its you either way.

👑 Roman 🌹: so what do you say should we meet up?

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