Dark lyrical magic (prinxiety)

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I know a couple of peaple already did this story idea, but I don't care. I'm sorry oh no that was kinda rude.

The songs I'm going to be using will be written at the end of the story (most likely the part 2) , they would mostly be emo/alternative songs with a little Disney so enjoy.

Morality's POV
It was a normal day at Thomas's mindscape
Everything was normal.
I was making breakfast, Logan was reading, princey well he's princey, and anxiety is nowhere around us as usual I'm kinda concerned for the little guy he rarely speaks.

"Morality are you talking to the readers of this story we are membered in?"

Huh, oh uh yeah logan, why?

"Don't forget to tell them to check out the other book(s) that the author has written"

Oh good idea Logan, go check out the other books that the author has if you would like.
It would be highly appreciated. Also while you are reading this why don't you leave a comment after reading if you have any requests or questions, the author will try to respond immediately. Not in a creepy way though.
#self promo, no regrets.

"Could we get on to the story now please"

"Oh princey, of course. Sorry we got distracted."

Okay princey.

Alright back to my narrating, as I was saying anxiety hasn't been social with us lately and if you think about it yeah sure it would be understandable, he's the literal embodiment of anxiety of course he won't be social. He actually talks to us before but now he's just in his room I wonder what happened.

Anxiety POV
I kept myself in my room for a while now.


Well because I have been receiving a lot of negativity from the others mostly princey. Why does he hate me. Why do they hate me?

I haven't spoke in a while I forgot what my voice sounds like

Hello? okay I sound strange for some reason like a was singing. but I Don't really care.

I was hungry so I wanted to go to the kitchen, but they were there they might judge me, mock me, make fun of me. I didn't want to but I had no choice I was really hungry so hopefully they are not there and oh they are there.

Morality's POV
I was done cooking and the two were eating I made a plate for anxiety but he probably won't even eat them.

I was gonna throw out his food until a saw a glimpse of him at the corner of my eye.

Anxiety? He stopped he wasn't moving he was just there staring at me.

I motioned him to come over.

Guys im so sorry im kinda tired right now I'll update this tomor- later and I hope you enjoy and I hope I don't annoy you but if any of you have any questions, requests or anything to say please comment and I will try to reply immediately but not in a creepy way.

If you have a suggestion please leave a comment down below and I will do my best to make it happen bye

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