Meow 🐱

600 10 17

Read the bold parts

Unimportant stuff, its fine you can skip

Hello everyone! So I decided to update once again, bask in the glory of my amazing writing skills! The beautiful Woooooowe came up with the prompt but I made it more awesome!

Okay wow way too confident Lets try that again..... maybe a bit more formal this time

Greetings, I have decided to add another short story in this digital public portfolio of oneshots to share to the Internet and to the society of wattpad, although it is to my concern that my inspiration for this piece of literature is not entirely original,a person with the account name of  Woooooowe had came up with this certain writing prompt that I have been inspired from.....

Okay too formal.... and... monotonous maybe more enthusiasm?

Hey kiddos!!!!! Im writing again wow this is so much fun haha OH! Go check out Woooooowe she's the one who came up with this prompt, im so proud of her. lets get to the story shall we!

Okay wth, too enthusiastic... maybe just be........more chill and less.... emotional?

Hey so I updated not like you would care but here Woooooowe came up with it btw I just continued it and stuff but its kinda terrible so im sorry for that

Okay no, needs more enthusiasm and confidence and maybe a little formality

What is up everybody! so uh sorry about that haha im just pretty bored since there's no school today and no I will not do homework even though there's a lot of it

Semi important stuff, read if you want to

Prompt by Woooooowe pls go check them out if you still have not, she's awesome.

Also inspired by BBCanimefangirl and go check them of you still haven't, really your missing out bud

Important shiz, relevant to story (kinda)

for POVs "this is other peoples dialog"

If the text doesn't have 'these' its just an explanation of what they are doing

-this will be their dialog-

I hope that made sense, I just assumed this would make things easier for both me and you.

Disclaimer: non existent 4th wall, bad jokes

Oh and the bold letters are no longer third person but instead its me bish ah hello there Woot Noot

Just in case if you didn't understand the concept, if you did you can go to 🐈.

If you didn't get it let me simplify:

*insert name* POV

-im reading now-   this is dialog

'Im reading now'   this is thinking

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