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I got tagged again, by chickoo56 so yeah.

And for the updates I have 3 drafts in my mind I just need to write it down on paper and figure it out.

I was tagged by chickoo56

So yeah have this in the meantime.

1. Meaning behind name
-when I was younger my mother would always take me to church and when I was there I would usually fall asleep, then my father would take me into the city ha jk, I cant name stuff... what did you expect XD

2. Biggest weakness
-social interaction and emotional situations

short story: I wanted to talk to this girl in school (I liked her drawing) and I knew who she drew so I kept looking at her and whispering to my friends. But then out of no where an older friend of mine suddenly introduced us and said that we wanted to be friends with her (which was true btw) then I cried because I was so scared/surprised. My friend had to explain to her what was going on. She was nice, she drew me a little picture with a small note.

3. Biggest strength
-*deep breath* Idk uh tbh im good at pretending I care or have feelings for a person (im good at lying) p sure that's bad. Oh wait im a really fast learner I guess?

4. Piercings
-just earrings

5. Favorite band(s)
P much most emo/alternative bands
...... the rest are just singers

6. Last dream you had
-not really the last but one that I never forgot.

routinecanfade you might remember this.

I was with my only friends and they were happy talking, there was a bakery and just wanted to go with them, they ignored me so I walked away, I went to the bakery myself and they were there talking happily, I walked away then suddenly im in a room sitting in a corner and seeing everyone having fun without me, I felt like crying, I did, I was afraid what if this happens in the future or what if its already happening. then I woke up.

7. Phobia(s)
-idk the names but im p sure these are phobias.

-fear of-
Not being good enough
Sudden noises


8. Favorite movie(s)
-Ooh a lot so uh

Wolf children (anime movie)

Suicide squad (how basic can I be XD)

Chuckie (first horror movie I watched alone) this really made me love horror (I used to hate anything scary)

Horror! (Don't have any specific favorites)

Disney! (Mostly mulan/moana)

9. Hair colour?
-black but really dark brown if the lighting is right.

10. Favorite model(s)
-I don't even know a single model... so.. yeah

11. Favorite flower(s)
-not really into flowers, but I guess my favorite flowers to draw are roses.

12. Cats or dogs?
-................. or.... idk why is that even an option.
(If anyone knows where that's from I now appreciate you a little more)

13. Favorite holiday(s)
-new years/christmas (bc of my b-day)
And Halloween, is spoopy

14. Last thing you ate?
-food! Obviously

15. Lucky number(s)
-I dont really believe in that kind of stuff, im more of a logical person
*cough*except in stories*cough*

16. Your name?
-Sophia, #name reveal

17. Piercings you want?
-dont really want piercings.

18. Idea of a perfect date?
-me, a dark room, snacks, and good wifi
But in all reality
a perfect day does not exist, you cant plan perfection, just let it happen. If you two really like each other its not about the date then its about how you two are together now. (That was really stupid and cheesy)

19. 5 things you hate?

1. Human emotional problems, like they are so easy to solve but why would you cry about something that can be solved by mere communication. Sorry my classmates are very confusing.

2. People who think im stupid/dont know something that I clearly know,
for example:
A-oh no im out of gas

B-oh no maybe get some gas

A-...... like bish what did you just say to me..

3. People who dont understand personal space.

4. The heat.

5. Fitting clothes (I like really loose clothes)

20. 5 things you love

1. Showing of my knowledge.. yeah

2. Proving someone wrong

3. Books

4. More books

5. People who actually understands you like Yas you people are rare.

21. A random fact?
-the fitnessgram pacer test is a multi stage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues.....
I like memes with a burning passion

22. Favorite piece of jewelry?
-my deathly hollows bracelet

23. Favorite body feature(s)
-myself- all know have is my honor a tolerance for pain a couple of college credits and my top notch brain! Insane!

-other people-eyes!

24. Tattoos you want?
-maybe a small symbolic tattoo, or something that's dear to me.

25. Favorite blogs?

26. Something you love about yourself?
-okay this is hard uh...
Im a good lier I guess and uh I sing I guess...

27. What do you hate about yourself?
-okay this might sound stupid but you don't deserve to hate yourself in the slightest bit, just because you're not pretty enough, or you're not social enough, or you're not good at somethings, Thats okay you shouldn't hate anything about yourself. Everyone has flaws accept it.

28. Favorite book(s)
-it constantly changes but I'll have to say
Another day and 13 reasons why at the moment.

29. Sweet or salty popcorn?
-caramel popcorn.... yeah boi!!!

30. Someone you miss?
-well to be honest never felt that emotion, missing someone or something I never experienced that.

so I tag:
And anyone who wants to do this.

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