Who are you?

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Oh please listen to this song its one of my favorites 😊 I just found it again after a long time I cant believe I used to not like this song oh well, I made this while listening to this on repeat.

Hey so uh quick a/n this is a pre-written update, I wrote this on my writing notebook at school instead of listening, and im writing it now from memory.

Im trying out new things in my way of writing so sorry if some changes/things confuse you

I got inspired by NWTBWarfstache
But this was a prompt originally by BBCanimefangirl so uh here you go, dont forget to check them out if you still haven't. Also check out my other books it would be very much appreciated.

Morality's POV
-dear diary why is anxiety always the bad guy, I mean sure he doesn't really look much but he's really cool once you get to know him. I just don't understand why princey hates him so much, even Logan kinda likes anxiety. I wish there was a way to make them agree with each other. I know there is.

I closed my diary, I know there's a way, I tried but princey is just so.......... arrogant. I stood up and looked out the window and wow all the stars shining brightly and the pretty moon and OOH! A shooting star I have to make a wish.

" I wish upon a star that princey will understand that anxiety has feelings too, I wish that Roman would understand how he feels."

I don't really wish and hope on shooting stars often but its worth a shot.

I was getting kinda tired so I sat down on my bed.

"Hey, why are you still awake?"

P-"Oh, hey Logan, just thinking​ about some stuff, you?"

L-"Im having insomnia"

P-"what's insumaya?"

L-"uh its insomnia"


L-"uh no, getting farther away there, in-som-ni-a"

P- "I don't know what that is"

L- "*sigh* I couldn't sleep"

P- "oh well you couldn't have just said so"

L- "well moving on now that I'm here would you like to well"

P- "well?"

L- "uh well maybe we could *clears throat* well I er"

P- "*giggle* there's no need to be shy logan, its just me"

Patton gave a small smirk along with a wink making a small tint of red appear in logan's cheeks.

L- "yes, right well maybe we could sleep together?"

P- "*gasp* like a sleepover?!"

L- "uh well I guess"

P- "YAY!"

Patton patted (that sounds weird to say)
The space next to him for Logan to sit down in.

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