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Hello peeps, so thank you for all the people who commented on my "help" update. I didn't really do all of the majority bc it would've been kinda difficult to think about so instead I just did this bc it was easier.

Read the authors note at the end please

I didn't really know how to start this but I'm in a jeep rn and I decided to start, so yeah

Here we go, hope you like it, probs not


Virgil's POV
School sucks, the only purpose school has is to make you feel sad about the things you cant do.

I never went to school, I was, well an orphan so I didn't really have any "school experience" I only had those wierd girls trying to teach us how to read.

I guess I just managed to survive that and now I'm here going to "high school". I don't get it I was doing fine studying on my own, so why do I need school now.

I guess so I could "educate myself further"

I don't want to go to school,there's too much judgement too much people,too much stress.

But I guess I was freaking accepted in a school I never wanted to go to,freaking scholarship, freaking doctor, freaking orphanage, freaking school.

I hate this.

I closed my journal

Crap, im gonna be late, actually I couldn't care any less but I guess I have to.

I put the journal back in my bag, picked up the bag and walked out.

Earphones in, the world out.

I guess I didn't notice how far I was getting, I almost passed the school, barely.

The arts university, what a creative name.

I was walking but then im suddenly on the floor, its actually quite comfortable but I can't stay here even if I wanted to, I stood up. I turned around to see a quite charming guy, eugh charming.

Oh great he's talking to me. Just exactly what I need right now.

Human interaction.

"Hey, are you alright?"

Yeah, after being literally face planted to the floor, yeah im fine, luckily my face is only a little bit broken.

"Im sorry, are you mute? Deaf? "

He started signing something

I honestly don't wanna bother this guy, I started walking away, surprise im blind too

He's walking beside me now, great I just love socializing

"Hey, im sorry, did I upset you?"

Okay I know this is short, this has been a draft for a week now and I didn't update it, I didn't even proof read this so uh.

I wont be posting at all for a while for real this time, I found out there was something wrong with my eyes so Ya I need to stop using my phone so much.

Also i started guitar lessons so I need to focus on that. Thanks for The consideration, and sorry bout that.

Hope Ya understand.


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