Just darkness (analogic)

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This was pre-written and im just writing it by memory, this was suggested to me by NWTBWarfstache But I noticed that TrulyNothingEnds already previously wrote that prompt.

so uh I didn't wanna write that exact prompt bc I didn't have any ideas so I changed it a little well a lot.

Lets just say that it "inspired me"

Here we go, hope you like it, probs not

Warning-very very light smut

Logan's pov
Its been about a few weeks since Virgil had told us his name, ever since that day this strange sensation I have been feeling has been a little overwhelming.

I didn't know what I was feeling, I was healthy and I didn't really recognize the symptoms I have, I tried using a simple Google search and a read through of Wikipedia and other trusted sites.

After what seemed like an eternity of searching-

anxiety taught me that.

He felt a smile curve up on his lips
Realising this, he moved on

-I still cant find an illness with these symptoms, I tried to look at one of my old medical books and still nothing.

Thats when I came to a conclusion that, what if I was not ill but perhaps I was experiencing emotions.

This thought is bothering me, I quickly stood up and walked in front of pattons' door.

I knocked lightly

No Response

I knocked a little harder

Still no response

I knocked again, this time calling out his name

I heard a faint voice telling me to come in, and so I did.

P-hey, Logan what's up?

L-uh, the ceiling? What do you mean.

P-i thought that anxiety taught you a bunch of stuff about, you know.

L-figurative speeches?

P-yeah that.

L-alright well the reason im here its because, I have.... a small... prob... lem...

P-well you seem troubled by it.

L-i suppose, I am.

P-well what's troubling you teach?

L-well it is sort of...complicated.

P-well im not sure I can help you that much, you are smarter than me after all and-

L-no, it is an *clears throat* emotional problem.

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