50. Too Little Too Late

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She has long wavy blonde hair, wears really heavy make-up and there's not a single day that you won't see her not wearing a skirt. Don't get me wrong, she looks like a classic baby doll but everyone needs to have a pair of jeans in their wardrobe right? So how come she doesn't seem to have any?

Whenever she walks the floor, she looks like she's on the runway to ANTM with her hair being gently blown away. Us girls hated her for being so.. barbie-ish. The guys however are totally into the whole package. Zach, unfortunately, is one of them.

I can't help but roll my eyes whenever I see them snickering at his station. She's always there like isn't she supposed to be on the phone? I also noticed that this girl just can't keep her hands to herself. I can talk to Zach without even laying a finger on him but this girl? There is no such thing as personal space for her.

What sucks the most is the fact that Zach seems to like her company. It's totally new to me to see him being all touchy-feely with another woman. And I know I don't have any right over him but seriously, I just want him all to myself.

"I'm not really sure if having you here makes any difference to coming here alone because I'm actually talking to myself."

I snap out of my thoughts as I heard Jennie complaining in her high-pitched voice.

"Sorry." I flashed her a big smile which she returned with a smirk. "Why don't we have a girls' night out? It'll be fun..."


"I'm home!"

"Just in time hon. I got some take-out." My mom yelled from the kitchen.

"Oooh. Chinese.." My mom was busy putting everything into the plates.

"I'm supposed to get Korean but I'm not sure if you're fond of..."

I instantly stopped my thoughts from going any further from the word Korean. I've already snuck everything away in a folder in my mind that says Do not open and I decide on keeping things that way. I diverted my attention into getting glasses from the shelves.

We started eating in silence. My mom and I never had long conversations like normal mothers-daughters do. We rarely see each other and she's always too tired to check up on me. Ever since I graduated and passed the state boards, she pretty much let me out of the leash.

"I haven't seen that friend of yours around."

I raised my eyebrows, clueless of who she was referring to.

"You know. That good-looking guy. Zeke."

"Zach." I corrected in a stern voice. She's never good with names.

"He never comes around anymore. Have you two broken up?"

"We're not... we're not anything mom.."

"Really? Why not? He doesn't seem to be the type who's discreet about his feelings. And you were very.... sweet to him hon. It was actually making me cringe." she teased.

"Ohh, mom. Please. I'm not having this conversation."

She let out a hearty laugh. "Hey, kiddo. I know I've never looked into your relationships in the past. But I know a keeper when I see one. And that boy... I wouldn't let go of him if I were you.."

I remained silent for the duration of the dinner.

Well, I did. He's gone. And that's the end of it!

My Love is a Star (BTS Suga Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin