"nah-uh-uh. you will stand with my help." jungkook immediately got up, and swiftly moved to jimin's side.

jimin placed his right leg on the floor, and jungkook already began to feel him shake.

then the left foot went on the floor.

"let go. just be behind me." jimin said in frustration, pushing jungkook away. he continued to be worried though. he didn't like seeing jimin suffer in pain.

jungkook shifted to the back of jimin, and saw he had balance.

"oh my god! you can stand!" jungkook exclaimed, seeing jimin smile so widely.

jimin smiled, and tried to walk to jungkook, but—

"jung-KOO!" he lost balance from walking and fell face flat onto jungkook, making him fall over as well onto the nearest couch.

"ow..." jimin tried to get up, and saw jungkook, who kept on looking at him.

there went jungkook's heartbeat that went thump, thump, thump.

"sorry..." he mumbled, but jungkook pulled him into a long hug, which jimin returned.

"what are you-?"

"don't say anything, please." jungkook closed his eyes, tears forming from happiness, but also sadness.

he still couldn't believe he was able to call jimin his now.

and no one else's.

"i won't complain." jimin smiled, closing his eyes as well.

"i love you, thank you for accepting me." jimin mumbled, his voice trembling. jungkook didn't look, he continued to close his eyes.

"and i love you, so much more jimin. i promise, i will take you somewhere beautiful when we can leave the house. somewhere memorable and somewhere i want to finally seal it." jungkook said, continuing to smile.

jimin looked at jungkook now, who slowly opened his eyes as well.

"'seal it'? what?" jimin sat back onto his wheelchair, and jungkook sat upright on the couch.

"well, i want to-"

ding donggggg~

both jimin and jungkook's eyes immediately shot to the front door. jimin, while rolling himself there, peaked into the window.

"it's taehyung! seems like he has brought some food!" jimin unlocked the door, and opened it. taehyung walked in, saying a soft hi. he had red joggers on and a red hoodie to match with it. he was holding a bag full of food.

"jimin! how is everything? feeling better?" he asked. jimin nodded happily. he was so ecstatic to be seeing his best friend since it has been a while, other than being in the hospital room.

"yes! i feel way better. not feeling nausea or fainting, or anything like that. it's just my legs are weak to walk right now, so i'm using a wheelchair in the meantime. i can stand up though." he explained, giving a bright smile.

"that's good!" taehyung shut the door, and placed the food onto the table that was in the center of the living room. jungkook's eyes completely shot onto the bag after smelling a familiar scent of bulgogi and black bean noodles.

"oh my god, that smells so good!!!" jungkook screeched, and continued to watch taehyung take out the food containers one by one.

"thank you taehyung!" jimin smiled, giving taehyung a warm hug. jungkook grabbed one of the black bean noodle bowls and stirred in the sauce.

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