The Beginnings of Guilt

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The idea for this book came to me a two years ago, but I didn't know what to do with it or if it would go anywhere. Yet it did. When I first heard of a disorder called Schizophrenia it scared me. I understood it as hearing and seeing things that others couldn't see or hear. To me it sound like the inflicted would be stuck inside of their own head.

Because I didn't understand this I set out to research it. I did this and thought it would make an interesting story if the main character had Schizophrenia. The story developed from there. Thoughts of "what if the main character had PTSD?" came to mind, after all understanding of both of these disorders of the mind are barely understood. 

The definition of Schizophrenia: A long-term disorder involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and persona; relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation.

Mental Fragmentation: used to described the mental state of someone who had memories written into their brain from multiple sourses over time.

The definition of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): A condition of persistent mental ad emotional stress occurring as a result of injury of severe psychological shock (typically involving disturbance of sleep and constant vivid recall of the experience, with dulled responses to others and to the outside world).

I've loved writing this story (which I'm working on editing and fixing), but none the less it grew on me! I hope that all of you have enjoyed it as well! If I'm being honest I had no idea what the ending of this book was until I was writing it myself. I know this needs a lot of fixing up, and that comes in time. If you have any feedback for me, let me know? 


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