Chapter Ten

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Ethan sets his bag down and get into the line followed by a little boy. I watch as the little boy plays with his life jacket and keeps looking back as if nervous. Ethan turns around and starts talking to him softly. I watch as the little boy looks over at the edge before looking back up at Ethan. He smiles a wide one that stretches across both cheeks before nodding his head.
The line moves up until it's his turn. Ethan waves at the boy before jumping off into the crystal blue water. He crazy, I think as I shake my head. That has to at least be an 18 foot drop. Someone lets out a yell of excitement as they fall into the water below. I watch as kid after kid jumps off. Ethan comes up the path soaking wet. I shake my head before asking, "Was that worth it?"
    "Yes it was. Why don't you jump in?" He smiles while running his hand through his curly wet hair.
"Because I don't want to right now."
"That's not a very good excuse! Come on, Alex... I promise that you it's fun."
    "I don't know Ethan."
"Ethan why are you looking at Alex like than?" Kara asks as she walks up to us with one of her dark brown eyebrows raised and a hand on her hip. His gaze instantly snaps over to her. Chuckling slightly he crosses his arms over his chest. With a smirk on his face he asks, "Jealous are we? Carrot you know I only have eyes for you."
Walking up to her with arms open wide she turns bright red and sets her stuff down on the ground at her feet before taking a few steps back. All too soon Ethan smiles in triumph only to have Kara run around him. He catches her in his arms tight.
"Where do you think you're going?"
    "Ethan let me down! I'm going to jump in the lake."
"Not so fast. Remember what happened last time you tried to jump in? You tripped and broke your arm in an attempt to stop your fall."
"That was one time. Come on, we both know that it's not going to happen."
"I don't know that and I'm not taking any chances."
"Seriously? Can you at least put me down?"
Slowly he sets her back on the ground and she takes a few steps back. It's then that I notice that she's changed into her light green two piece swimming suit. Kara turns to Ethan before grabbing his hand and leading him to the edge.
"Come on. Let's jump."
"If we're jumping in together then it has to be a race or else it's just weird. We're not in a movie." Ethan states looking at her and then the lake below.
"Okay the winner gets?"
"Who said anything about a prize?"
"I just did."
"What about candy?" Kara smiles at his words before she jumps off leaving Ethan behind. He jumps in after her.
Why did I agree to come with these two? It'll get your mind off things, I'd thought at the time, but questions come into my head. What if Tori is just taking a break from life? What if she broke her phone or forgot to call? Where did she go? Why did she get up and leave us so suddenly? Why haven't the police found her yet? Are they even still looking? Will mother be giving me any updates on their improvements (if any) are made? She wouldn't keep that from me unless she thought it was for the better. After all she kept the fact that they kept hitting dead ends a secret from me for weeks. I'm going to lose it if I keep thinking like this. Although I am away from home at least I'm out with my friends. Who are flirting. I'm surprised that they're not dating by now. 
"Alexandria! How are you? I haven't seen you in forever!" A very bubbly voice brings me out of my mess of thoughts. Looking up I see a fairly tall girl with a smile stretched across her lips. Her stormy eyes study me for a moment as she crosses her skinny arms over her chest. The navy and white swimming suit brings out her curly brown hair.
"Hello, Alyssa. I'm great." I groan as she takes another step forward.
"That's good to hear because we were afraid that you'd be so affected by your sister disappearing that we wouldn't see you at school your senior year!" Leaning in she says quietly, "We all heard that she'd gotten into drugs or something like that. Maybe even went to those crazy parties." 
"None of that is true Alyssa. You of all people should know that." At my words she raises an eyebrow and stands up straight. As if to intimidate me.
"And why is that?"
"Alex you missed out!" Looking over I see that Kara was the one that interrupted me. She walks over and throws her arm around my shoulder. Cold water slides down my back as Kara looks at Alyssa.
"Alyssa, I haven't seen you in years."
"Yes, hello to you too. Now Alexan-"
"You know what? Alexandria is so right. You of all people should know. Weren't you the one that started that rumor about that geeky kid years ago? The one that ended up moving to somewhere in Michigan." Kara knows just as well as I do that it was in fact Alyssa. She can't keep a secret to save her life and she'll do just about anything to get more rumors to spread.
"Excuse me? I don't start the rumors."
"You only carry them to others and that makes you just as bad as the ones who started them in the first place. Kara, would you please take that wet arm off my shoulder?"
"Sure thing." Kara mutters removing her arm all the while her gaze hardening slightly.
"Please leave us alone. I can't handle any more girl drama today." Ethan suddenly speaks up before he's thinking about one thing or another.
"Fine." Alyssa says before briskly walking away. The people around us look at her before going back to their own lives. Turning to my friends I let out a breath of air.
"I can't believe I was ever friends with her."  I say as Ethan looks up in surprize twisting his mouth to the side he asks, "You were friends with Alyssa Bennett? There's no way! That's crazy. Also you know that boy who you guys mentioned? He isn't geeky. He's smart and got made fun of for it. He is-was-a genius."
"What did you know him or something?" Kara jokes as she wrings the water out of her dark brown hair.
"Yeah I do." Kara's smile falters slightly and it's clear that he doesn't want to talk about it. Changing the subject Kara asks me, "Alex you brought your swimming suit right?"
"No, I thought this was just going to be a hike."
Kara looks over at me before narrowing her gaze to Ethan.
"Ethan. Why didn't you tell her to bring one?"
"I don't know? Maybe because I'm not her mom."
Rolling my eyes at them I walk over to the edge as they continue to argue. The white colored rocks draw your eyes almost instantly to the blue lake. One that almost begs you to jump right in. Wind picks st strands of my hair and plays with it. Looking over my shoulder I them both still deep in conversation and decide to jump.
The wind rushes past my ear as I do so. The blue stretches out below not knowing where it ends and the sky begins I close my eyes and hold my breath. Cold water surrounds me in a cocoon of silence. I'm safe from everything and everyone. Opening my eyes I see the warped cliff above and nothing but water below. Kicking my feet I swim upwards. Gasping I take a few deep breaths before looking around for the sandy shore. Swimming off to my left my movements feel slow and sluggish. As my feet touch the sand I walk fast onto shore. My clothes are heavy with water. Wringing the water out I look up to the Jumping Rock and see a line of people waiting to jump.
The once sweltering sun now feels warm against my cold skin. After getting out all the water I can I start walking back up the trail to the Jumping Rock. It's now that I regret not taking my shoes off first with every step I take it feels like a small rock it jabbing at my foot. I'll have to get that out later, I think as I walk up the trail. Passing a few slower walkers on my way up I finally see them. Upon seeing my Kara rushes up to me.
"We were both so surprised us when you jumped off that we both quit arguing."
"And thank goodness for that." At his words we both look at him as he holds up both of his hands in defence.
"Thank goodness for that?" Kara asks him.
"Yes. Do you not like that phrase?"
"No that's not it. It just sounds unusual coming from you is all." I cut in before they start up again. He shrugs like he could care less. Rolling my eyes I close my eyes and let the sun warm me up. Goose flesh appear on my skin as I start to dry.
"So we've now have all jumped in the lake. Are we going to go?" I ask ready to be home and sleep.
"I guess so, unless that is you guys want to stay longer?" Kara and I shake our head quickly. Ethan laughs before grabbing his bag. Bending down to pick up mine I hand Kara her's. Standing up I stretch before we walk over to the end of Cleetwood Cove Trail. Beginning the long hike up I'm glad that I jumped into the lake as my wet clothes cool me down. After the long hike mutter a hello to other hikers we finally get to our parking spot. Once we get to Ethan's car he freaks out as we open the doors to get in.
"I don't want my car smelling like a lake. I've got some towels in the back that we're going to put down first."
"Ethan your car is going to smell regardless." I say while throwing my bag in the back seat.

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