Things Hoped For

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Bashir walked into the lab and hung up his outdoor coat. The lab was bustling with doctors moving about the different sections conducting tests, compiling data, and analyzing different results. He sighed heavily and walked into the clone chamber. Derrick looked up and gave him a warm smile.

"Good morning, Dr. Bashir."

The older alpha's face lit up.  "Morning, Dr. Raiford."

The young M-type blushed.  "Please, just Derrick."

"You and Cash are a lot a like," Bashir clapped him on the back and they made their way through the connected labs.


Bashir nodded.  "Very informal and alpha like."

They shared a laugh.

Bashir looked around not recognizing his colleagues in the sea of bodies.  It was sort of unusual on a day like today.  "So where is everyone else?"

Derrick looked at the tablet in his hand and quickly tapped his progress notes.  "Drs. Jamison and Allen-Jamison are doing a  global presentation in the auditorium.  Drs. Esson had an appointment today."

He nodded.  "That's right. Today they find out the baby's sex right?"'

"Yep."  He looked up from his tablet at all the activity going on.  Bashir seemed lost in thought as he stared out the window.  "You okay, doctor?"

Bashir hummed thoughtfully.  "Can't believe after the human trials were up and we got government approval, those two went out and signed up right away."

Derrick smirked.  "And now on baby three."

"Yeah but they are so happy."  Bashir turned from the window.  "I didn't realize Kevin wanted to have a child so bad."

"And Dr. Jamison and Cash are also enjoying the benefits of the Womb Project," Derrick added.

"Yep, baby two due any day now."

"Cash is excited to be on the other end this time."

Bashir laughed. "I bet. He drove Kira nuts last time.  She can be a vindictive alpha.  I'm sure she's giving him hell."

"Doctors!"  Derrick and Bashir turned as a man in an Italian made suit that fit his powerful frame just right made his way to them.

Bashir took the man's hand in his.  "Director Winsome, how are you?"

Director Winsome, a long time friend of Bashir's and around the same age and height, pulled him in for a hug.  Their similar backgrounds made them close and he worked hard to make sure the Omega Lab and any projects that came of it were given whatever resources it needed to be successful.  His eyes twinkled with excitement at all the activity.  "Wonderful! The lab's success is a great boost for the University and the board members."

"True.  A lot of doctors are picking up their first batch of the suppressant Kira and Cash perfected last year," Bashir agreed.

Director Winsome's eyes widened.  "That's right!  Government approval came last month.  We're the only ones in the world authorized to manufacture and distribute it."

"They made the University pretty rich," Derrick replied.  

Winsome winked at Derrick.  Getting rich was never the goal.  Helping people have children and helping omegas trumped everything else.  But if getting rich was a side effect, he'd gladly take it.  In that moment the thought of spoiling a certain M-type omega with shiny brown eyes and shoulder length wavy brown hair suddenly occurred to him.   "It keeps us all employed and ensures the clone lab will only get better and better."

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