Biological Clocks

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Chapter 8 Biological Clocks

Dr. Watanabe grabbed his things and headed toward the door. Bashir was in the growth chamber monitoring the next batch of omegas waiting to spawn. Kira and Cash were huddled over a computer talking about possible hormone combinations for a new patch. Dr. Esson was reading a book and sipping tea.

"No work, Doctor?" Dr. Watanabe asked.

Dr. Esson's smug smile made his stomach churn. "All the worker bees are working. It's okay for the king to rest."

"Bees are ruled by a queen, idiot!" Bashir yelled.

Kira giggled as Dr. Esson snapped the book shut.

"Listen, Doc.tor."

Bashir entered the lab and smirked. "No need to drag out my name, Pe.ter, like you're about to get off."

Dr. Esson turned up his nose. "How can you be a doctor? Stupid playboy."

"I'm faithful, fuck you very much."

"You have two wives!" Peter shouted.

Bashir pushed his glasses up. "I've never cheated on them. Unlike you- hopping from gamma to beta to omega to alpha and over and so on."

"Why you-!"

Watanabe slammed a medical dictionary on the table making everyone jump. A creepy smile spread across his face. "I'm leaving for an appointment, doctors. Do behave yourselves while I'm gone, yes?" Although he was the strong silent type, messing with an angry Kevin Watanabe wasn't the wise thing to do. They'd learned that the hard way. Esson had messed with him so much once that Kevin had set his lab coat on fire while he was still wearing it.

Dr. Esson covered a cough. "Y-yes, Dr. Watanabe."

"As you wish," Bashir muttered.

Watanabe's eyes lit up as he headed out the door. "Good. Later."


Dr. Ambrose listened to his heart and lungs. Then he checked his ears, nose and throat. Finally, he checked Dr. Watanabe's strength and reflexes. He patted him on the shoulder and told him to get dressed.

"Well, you look good and healthy, Kevin," Dr. Ambrose jotted down some notes then looked up. "The fatigue could just be from overwork. You know how us researchers are."

Kevin frowned. "Could my work atmosphere be a contributing factor?"

Dr. Ambrose leaned back and pushed his glasses up on his nose. "Could be. What's it like over there?"

"We spawn and integrate100 omegas every three months now."

Ambrose whistled. "Tight schedule."

"I work with three doctors-all alphas."

Dr. Ambrose's eyebrows went up.

"We have a doctor in training who is also a lab assistant and an omega. But he behaves more like an alpha."

Ambrose frowned. "Is that possible?"

Kevin shrugged. "We've seen seeing a few every so often. Omegas built like and acting like alphas. It's a mutation in their DNA we're starting to study. Probably a defense mechanism to keep them from being preyed upon."


Kevin sighed and ran a hand through his coal black hair. "I'm surrounded by egoists, sadists, and dominants."

The older man's laughter filled the room. "Aren't all doctors this way though? It definitely is tough for you as a beta to have so many high strung personalities."


Dr. Ambrose stood and clapped him on the shoulder. "As you hypothesize, it is probably the biggest source of your fatigue. Plus, you're no spring chicken. You're 40 this year. I suggest extra supplements and surround yourself with more betas for balance."

Kevin buttoned his shirt back up and stood to fix his pants as Ambrose headed to the door. He paused with his hand on the knob.

"This is just a thought, Kevin."

Kevin looked up. "Hmm?"

"Maybe you should try to find a mate."

He stopped in the middle of fixing his belt and looked up with perplexed brown eyes. "What?"

"You're in your forties now. Maybe it's your body telling you it's time."

Kevin's mouth dropped open.

"Think about it," Dr. Ambrose said as the door shut behind him.

**Well, I'm between projects in the real world so I guess I'll be posting daily for a min. Life of a freelancer (sigh)

***What are your thoughts on the chapter/story? I was told I'm not detailed enough. Email me, vote, comment, share. I love your feedback.

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