Coming Clean

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Chapter 7 Coming Clean

Kira sat on the park bench looking up at the sky. The sun was playing peek-a-boo behind some puffy white clouds. Students hurried by trying to get to their lectures on time as a clock bell chimed away nearby. A bird landed in front of her and watched her intently with its beady black eyes.

That stupid omega. I've been trying to fight my urges for him since he came here two years ago. I knew right away he was the only one I'd be weak to. Dunno if I should blame that on the mating urge or fate or-

She laughed out loud. "Animal magnetism, how stupid."

When Cash came to our lab he was only a year old although he looked 25. He was tall and muscular from working out in the gym. He had long copper hair that he wore in a ponytail and eyes like fire that he hid behind thick black-rimmed glasses. He was exceptionally brilliant, a hard worker, and quick learner. His curiosity outlasted his stamina and he'd wear himself out to the point of collapse at work a few times.

I was drawn to him immediately. He was so unlike any of the men I'd ever met. He was an omega.  Artificially created.  I was intrigued by him because I'd never felt such an attraction before. It also irritated me because I could feel my control slipping.

It was the first time I wanted to be with someone-to have a child. But alpha females can't carry. So I became cold towards him. Calling him names, humiliating him, and pushing him around.

She looked up at the sky. But he remained as he was. Sweet, kind, and hard working.

The bird chirped and took to the air. She lit a fresh cigarette and exhaled. And here we are. She rubbed her forehead.

"I lost control and fucked him senseless." Because I wanted to. She sighed heavily and took a long drag of the cigarette. Now we're bound together and he could be pregnant.  She frowned.   "Maybe he'll get the plan B."

"Do you always talk to yourself out loud?"

She jumped so hard the lighter nearly flew out of her hand. She turned and looked up into Cash's flushed face. Shit! How long has he been standing there?  She plastered a smirk on her face.  "Sometimes. When I'm working out a problem."

He adjusted his bag. "I see."

"Sit. I have things to say." She took another long drag of the freshly lit cigarette. I just lost 10 years off my life.

"Before that!"

She raised an eyebrow and exhaled slowly. He acts like an alpha so much that I forget he's actually an omega.

Realizing he'd shouted, he stepped closer and clenched the hem of his lab coat. "I need to say this first."

She sucked her teeth. "Go ahead." Hurry before I lose my nerve, though.

He shifted his weight from one leg to the other. "Even though we didn't intend to do it - if I'm pregnant- I will raise the child with or without you."

Her eyebrows went all the way up to her hairline. Unexpected.

He looked away and continued. "I-I've always been attracted to you even though you hate omegas and gammas and treat me poorly."

She cringed at his stinging words. I don't really hate them...maybe jealous of them is more appropriate.

"I can't blame all of what we did on being alphas, omegas, the moon, drugs, or pheromones." He grabbed her hand and kissed it, looking deeply into her dark eyes. "I love you, I've been in love with you,  and deep down in my heart I wanted to be with you but I didn't have the courage to approach you."

She covered her mouth to hide the huge grin on her face. Is he serious? He felt the same way? She cleared her throat. "I-uh guess we'll have to do some labs to confirm you're pregnant and-uh stuff."

"Kira," he pulled her hand away. "Let me see your face."

She looked up into his golden amber eyes and felt herself melting under his gaze.

His lips lightly brushed across hers. "I love you. Will you be mine?"

Her heart hammered in her chest. It was the first time hearing her first name from his lips. "Stupid. Are you sure you're an omega? You act a lot like an alpha."

He chuckled and squeezed her tightly. "I'm just happy."

She inhaled his scent. The smell is faint but it's still there. "I'm happy you're happy," she mumbled. His heart pounded in her ear. It feels good to be held by him. She pulled away. "Let's get back before Bashir starts running that mouth of his."

A smile lit up his face. "Yes, Doctor. But first-" he bent down and kissed her, his tongue pressing into her mouth.

His kisses are so good. She returned his intensity as her body recalled the night before. I want to do it again. Kira felt his hand on the small of her back as her knees turned to jelly. Shit. I can't think.

He pulled away and smiled. "Did you have something to say?"

She looked up at him, dazed, and shook her head. "No. You've said enough for both of us."

His amber eyes glowed with happiness. "Does that mean-?"

She kissed him. "Yep. I've felt the same for you since the minute I laid eyes on you."

His eyes opened wide. "But that was...two years ago."

"I'll explain one day." She shoved him and started off. "For now just shut up, stupid bratty omega."

A smile lit up his face as he trotted behind her. "Yes, Doctor."

*Shout out to the 64 readers.  Would love to hear your thoughts one day.

**Anyone else hide their true feelings behind sarcasm and mean words?  

***Comment, vote, share, send me an email.  

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