Silver Linings

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"Well, the lab is shut down for two months. After that, everyone is back to work."

"What's gonna happen while the lab is down?"

"They're renovating." Kevin zipped up his pants and got off the exam table.

Dr. Ambrose's eyebrows went up. "Really?"

Kevin nodded. "A grant came through and we're getting 100 new pods to spawn and observe M-type omegas. 400 in all."


Kevin slipped into his jacket as Ambrose opened the door. "And Kira's human trials on a dampening patch she created with Cash are about to start so we're going to be kinda busy."

They walked side by side down the hall.

"I read about the stalker incident," Ambrose said quietly. "It was all over the hospital news. No names, of course, but I knew it was you from our earlier conversation."

Kevin laughed nervously. "Yeah. It was pretty scary." He ran a hand through his short hair. "Cash got hurt and I nearly lost Peter over it."

"But you didn't."

"No. No, I didn't."  He shook his head.  "And Kira - I've never seen her so fragile in all the years I've known her.  She's become...softer."

The older doctor nodded.  

A wistful look came over the beta's dark eyes.  What he wouldn't give to be able to have his belly round with his alpha's baby.  He shook his head.  The odds were not in his favor.

Ambrose smiled and opened the door to the waiting room. "Well, you take care and I'll see you next time."

Kevin smiled at his psycho alpha and waved to the older man. "See ya next time."

After lunch they returned to the lab for a staff meeting. Kira, Cash and Bashir sat on the left side of the conference table so they made their way over to them. The director of the Reproductive Center and the Chancellor of the College were also there. There were several men in suits that Kevin didn't recognize.

"Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen. As you all know, several labs will be shut down for the next two months."

There were murmers of acknowledgement all around.

"During that time there will be renovations to include more cryo-tubes to spawn M-type omegas not for purchase."

A man with a pasty complexion from being indoors too much and wearing a dark designer suit with a horrendous green tie spoke up. "Excuse me, but what's so special about M-types?"

Cash rolled his eyes and answered the man.  This man was wealthy and arrogant.  The worst type of alpha.  It was obvious a lengthy scientific explanation would be pointless. "To put it simply, they are omegas that exhibit alpha traits and behaviors."

He scoffed and wrinkled his nose. "That's a little far fetched."

Bashir met his gaze and tapped his finger on the desk. He was out of gum and not up for stupid men in stupid suits that worked in stupid offices that knew dick about science. "Actually, it's not. Our lab is finding more and more of them each cycle. They are evolving."

"Maybe there is something wrong with the genetic material being used."

Peter gave the man a no duh look.  "That's why we're researching it. We want to see where these mutations are occurring and how it affects the omega over time."

The Director cleared his throat and continued.  "Human trials will also begin for a new dampening patch for heat cycles."

Another man with cold grey eyes wearing a matching grey suit with a white shirt looked at Cash.  It was no secret Cash was an omega spawned from this very lab.  The fact he was a doctor and had become one faster than most alphas, hurt his fragile alpha male ego.  "Why? Omegas were created to breed. They need to go into heat."

"M-types are not for breeding," Kira nearly snarled. Since becoming intimate with Cash, her stance on omegas and their treatment took a drastic turn.  She was extremely overprotective and looking the wrong way at Cash had gotten several people chewed out and one nearly physically assaulted.  Cash took the abused pen out of her hand and held her hand in his lap.

Peter tossed a folder onto the center of the table. "In addition, there are more and more reports of omegas being used merely for sex toys and then being discarded. The police and Omega Protection Agency are working on preventing this. However, omegas that wind up unowned need protections from rape, abuse, and forced pregnancies."

The men scanned the documents with frowns.

Peter continued.  "So while omegas were created to breed, only people who would love and take care of them were supposed to get them. It seems they are violating their contracts."

"I think it is the general consensus that with the world population still dangerously low, we want to be able to continue to thrive by utilizing the Omega Breeders Program. We should do everything to ensure we have quality omegas and protections in place to take care of any problems that could arise," Bashir added.

The Director cleared his throat again.  "Right.  So with that said, I'd like to introduce two new programs that we just received approval on.  the first is the Omega Rights Initiative.  This program will work with the counseling department ensuring equal rights to the omegas."

"Equal rights to the cattle?!"

"What are you playing at, Winsome?"

The Director's green eyes narrowed.  "That's Director Winsome if you don't mind, Mr. Sabroso."

The man known as Sabroso leaned back in his seat with a hard glare.  

"Omegas are human too."  Winsome's eyes remained on Mr. Sabroso.  "Just because they are clones some of us seem to forget that."

Kevin interrupted.  There were far too many alphas in one space.  "Director, what's the other project?"

Director Winsome smiled and his eyes lit up.  "Dr. Peter Esson will be heading up the Womb Project."

Kevin and Kira looked at the smug look on Peter's face as the Director continued.

"It will put a womb and fertilized egg inside a carrier making it possible for them to carry a child."

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