Beast Inside

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Chapter 5 The Beast Inside

Dr. Jamison snatched the patch off her arm and switched on the computer. The patch was a failure. Instead of increasing the hormones and her resistance to the pheromones put out by Cash, they seemed to be increasing the testosterone levels and her attraction to him more.

Shit, shit, shit! She clicked away on the keys and pulled up document after document. She dug the heels of her hands in her eyes. None of the words made any sense and she felt her vision beginning to blur.

Shit! The smell of roses grew stronger and she began pacing as her heart rate climbed. I want to touch him. He's right there. I could easily take him and make him mine.

She angrily shook her head. No! Anyone but him! She clenched her fists. Two years I have been suppressing the urge. Stupid omegas! Not even human. Grown in a tube in a lab. Able to enjoy all the perks of being a human without all the pain. And worst of all...they can have babies. Assholes! Useless genetic garbage!

She slammed her fist on the desk and wiped her forehead. She felt hot and suffocated and undid the top three buttons on her blouse. She snatched a folder off the desk and began to fan herself. Feels like my insides are on fire.

She felt a sharp pain in her stomach. A scream escaped her and a set of test tubes fell as she crashed into the desk. Sweat poured down her face as she sank to her knees.

What the hell?! Her arms shook as she tried to pull herself up. Bashir. Another pain shot through her making her scream again. Shit! It's never hurt this bad before. She closed her eyes. Breathe, Kira. Remember the training.

Cash's timid voice called out to her. "Doctor, Jamison. Are you alright?"

She tried to stand. Stupid fucking omega! "Stay in the lab, idiot!"

"I heard screaming and breaking glass."

"Stay away!" She heard the door jiggle and shut her eyes. No! Don't come in here. She clutched onto a chair and managed to half pull herself up onto her knees.

"Dr. Jamison, open the door."


He banged on the door. "Please, I need to know you're okay!"

"I'm fine, stupid! Go away!" Another pain shot through her and she screamed through her teeth. The chair slipped away from her as her strength left her and she collapsed on the floor curled in a ball. The smell of roses overwhelmed her nostrils. Her eyes began to blur on the edges and she felt her senses slipping away with her reasoning. A single thought took over her. I need Cash.

Her body trembled as her instincts took over. I need him inside me. I need to breed him. I gotta join my body with his. She heard the door break open and began to pant like an animal in heat. A smile curled her lips as her logic and control completely left her and the predatory mating instinct took over. Her body trembled with excitement. Stupid omega. I warned you.

Cash thought the smell of oranges coming from lab two was unusually powerful but he didn't care. A single thought repeated in his mind: she needs me. I have to get to her

His foot kicked in the door, splintering it off its hinges. The door flew into the room and smashed into one of the lab tables, covering the floor with glass. He walked in and looked around.

One of the computers was still up. He saw progress notes for a new patch. The word FAILED was written in large red letters at the top. He frowned. I thought this would work. What happened?

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