The Alpha and the Gamma

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***********Mature Content Warning---Not Suitable for Under 18************

Chapter 26 The Alpha and the Gamma

We've worked together in this lab for a long time. Peter and I went to school together from undergrad all the way to doctoral. Kira joined us in residency and became like the annoying little sister you can't shake.

He laughed at the memory. Kevin worked the birthing center where we interned. We swayed him over to our side because Peter had a crush on him even though he's not an omega.  The chances of an alpha and beta were very slim.

What a crazy family we have. I met Sena, who was a translator, during an international seminar. He wasn't in our spawning group so I was unaware of his unique abilities until I'd spoken to a colleague from his spawning center in Europe. He stepped out of the car and entered the apartment building. I had no interest in him at first. I had Tenpo, after all. But he pursued, something uncommon of omegas at the time.  He was one of the first of 'M' type omegas. Eventually, Tenpo invited him over and he just stayed.

But I wonder if Tenpo was really alright with that. He undid his tie and stepped off the elevator. Sometimes it feels like he regrets his decision to add a third. I thought that giving him the child he wanted would make him happy. But then Sena got pregnant and even delivered before him.

He ran a hand through his hair and cursed. I'm the worst. I've made Tenpo suffer for my selfish desires and he's still suffering - caring for them when he should be the one being pampered and spoiled. He took a deep breath as he opened the door to the apartment.

Tenpo was in the kitchen with the sink running. He doesn't complain even though he's hurt. He says mean things sometimes and acts like a brat but he really cares. Bashir walked up and wrapped his arms around him.

Startled, Tenpo dropped the knife narrowly missing his foot. "Bashir!?"

He moved Tenpo's hair off the side of his neck and kissed him. "Hi, honey."

"What are you doing home so early?"

"I wanted to spend some time alone with you." He nuzzled Tenpo's slender neck. "Your hair's longer."

His voice was low. "I was gonna get it cut before the baby came but...I got busy with Sena and Bas."

"I'm sorry."

Tenpo frowned. "For what?"

"Putting you in this situation. Ignoring you."

He flicked his wrist. "It's fine. You're a busy doctor and all. I...I knew this when I married you." He tried to pull away.

Bashir turned him around and pressed his head against his chest. He felt a squeezing in his chest as Tenpo's shoulders shook with sobs. "I'm sorry, baby. I'm so selfish. I didn't mean for you to sacrifice so much for me."

Tenpo's warm tears soaked hrough his shirt. "I do it because I love you and I love Sena.  Just sometimes I feel...feel ignored."

"I know." He held Tenpo's face in his hands and covered him in soft kisses. "I love you so much."


"Shh." He covered Tenpo's lips and kissed him deeply.  Tenpo moaned and stood on his tip toes, grabbing the back of Bashir's neck.  He felt his knees going weak as Bashir pulled him as close as he could without squishing the baby.

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