The Crybaby's Baby

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Chapter 24- The Crybaby's Baby

Peter walked into the lab and hung up his outside coat and looked around.  Cash was standing at a desk trying to look into a microscope. He kept twisting and turning trying to get the right angle.  He didn't see anyone else. 

"Morning, everyone," Peter called out.

Cash looked up. "Morning, Dr. Esson."

"Morning, Pete." Bashir muttered from the other room.

"Where are Kevin and Kira?" Peter asked putting on his lab coat and walking to his desk.

Cash fidgeted in his seat. "Meeting with the counseling department about the next batch."


"They'll be back sometime this afternoon," Bashir added looking at his watch.

"Ah." He rolled his chair across the lab and peered into the spawning chamber. "Bashir, why are you here?"

There was a tapping sound as Bashir tinkered with one of the meters. "I gotta finish up some things before we shut the lab down in a few weeks."

Peter rubbed the stubble growing on his chin. "How are Sena and the baby?"

Bashir tweaked a knob on one of the tubes. "It's been three weeks. They are home with Tenpo."

"I see."

Bashir walked into the lab and put his clipboard on the desk. "Kira and I almost feel bad leaving you and Kevin while we are out on nurture leave."

Peter waved his hand and wheeled back to his desk. "We'll be fine. Spose it's a good time to take a honeymoon."


Peter looked up as Cash fidgeted in his seat again. "Cash, you okay?"

Cash's broad shoulders sank. "No. My belly's so big I can't move around like I need to. Females must have it so much easier."

Bashir sat at his desk and observed Cash. He was quiet for a moment. "Should you even be here?"

Cash sucked his teeth and put his hand at the small of his back. "I can still work."  He stood and started pacing.

"You need to go home." Peter picked up a chart off his desk. "I don't want you having that baby here."

Cash clenched his teeth. "I. Don't. Want. To."  He suddenly sneezed.

Bashir raised and eyebrow and pointed at the floor. "You may have no choice."

Peter and Cash looked down. A dark spot was spreading around Cash's crotch area and there was droplets of fluid by his foot. His eyes grew wide.  "Shit."

Bashir fished his phone out of his pocket. "Why don't you lay down for a bit? I'll call the counseling department."

"I'll call for an ambulance." Peter grabbed his phone off the desk and began to dial.

Cash sat on his stool and rubbed his belly. You're not due for another week. What are you trying to do? He felt a kick in response. Can't wait, huh? Or maybe with Sena going in early and the drama with Dr. Watanabe's stalker, it was just too much for you.

"Hold on, little one. Wait for your momma." He felt a powerful kick and gasped. That was a strong contraction. Then he felt another one. Shit. that was kinda quick.

He stood and tried to get their attention. "Um, doctors..."

They had their backs to him and kept talking on the phone.

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