Chapter 95 - Bitch is Back (Elton John)

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We start firing back at the Governor's people. Trying to give Rick some cover.

"KILL THEM ALL!"  The Governor is yellin as he finishes taking Hershel's life.

Behind him? That crazy c*** from hell is laughin fit to burst. Until a grimace of shock appears on her face.

Before she tumbles down from the tank and out of sight? I see the hole in her forehead.

A perfect deadeye.

I turn towards Nate again, knowin she's finally taken her out. My woman is standing up. Aiming her rifle again and again as tears pour down her cheeks.

But the look on her face right now? It's a killer's gaze of satisfaction.

I sure as fuck have no regrets!

The tank and other vehicles plough through our fence. Walkers from all around are being drawn by the noise and flames. They're streaming in like a swarm.

"NATE....GO!"  Hope she hears my bellowed order?

Part of the block behind me literally....disintegrates.

Spot the bus leavin the courtyard just as the tank arrives. Throw down flashbangs to distract em from gunning it down.

Through the smoke I notice the tank has now stopped, is aiming and ready to fire. Run towards it, pull the ring from a grenade and drop it down the cannon.

As it explodes, I mow down the assholes climbing out of the turret. Beggin for their lives.

They had their fuckin chance. Rick gave em an out. Ain't my fault them assholes didn't grab at it.

Their choice, their lives.


I look down once more to where Nate is. Tryin to peer through the smoke plumes. To see if she's made any headway in getting her group safe from the hordes of walkers.






Dozens of them, all on their knees. Tearin Nate and her folk to shreds. No screams from that direction, just the sounds of them feedin.

The only sounds of screams are comin solely from me.

Another explosion goes off behind me as part of the C block wall collapses. That catches the attention of the field walkers. Who rise from the mangled bodies, start stumblin towards me now.

"C'mon, man. We have to go. Now, Daryl! "

Tyreese is pullin on my arm, all desperate now. I try shrugging him off so I can run down to her.

"Don't, Daryl....don't do it to yourself. Come on. We got to get these kids out of here now. We're the last ones left. They need us....have to go now!"

Kids? Did he

This time, I let him pull me away.

But he has to keep his hand on my arm to guide me. Cos I can't see nuthin. My eyes are squeezed shut to try and stop the flow of tears.

"C'mon, Daryl. C'mon brother...."  Keep shakin my head.

Is he fuckin blind or just stupid?

Ain't got no Daryl here!

Daryl is empty, Daryl is gone, Daryl is dead....

....Daryl is lost.



Authors Note:

Thanks again for reading 'Home Is You'.

That was the final chapter of the first book.

You can find 'Home Is Your Heartbeat'....the second book of the 'Home Is' series under my profile at:

It picks up immediately from this last chapter.


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