Chapter 86 - My Love (Wings)

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It's four in the morning.

Knew as soon as my eyes opened that sleep has totally deserted me. And a million thoughts will soon swirl in to take its place.

I shut my brain off for a few minutes. To simply let the myriad of feelings flow over me like a warm shower of summer rain.

Have barely slept over the last three days. Yet I feel alive in ways I've never known before. So hard to explain? It's like I've shed my old skin and my new one is chock-full of nerve endings.

My body is limpid a cat after a huge stretch.

I'm a little bit sore between my legs. Small wonder after all the exquisite attention over the last twenty-four hours. Yet it's a good sore....a welcome sore....a cherished sore.

Still can't believe how Daryl manages to squeeze himself in there but he does. Yup, it stung like a bitch the first time. But he's definitely worth it.

We have a very....very  snug fit. But it's getting a bit easier. Just need practice....lots more practice  😁

He knows how much I need him to stay inside me for as long as possible. It's our quiet time....our aftermath I suppose? Always feel a huge emptiness when he finally leaves me.

Not just physically.

I gave a silent little apology to Mum for ever having doubted her train and snail metaphors. Then served myself a huge mental slap for trying to stomp on those feelings for so long.

Daryl let out a little snore and I peeped up at him. After our final, no....semi-final wrestling match last night?

He brought out Hershel's bottle of whisky and I burst into gales of laughter.

Recognised it as the one from the bar that I'd left for him with his bible. Hershel must've remembered my birthday and given it to Daryl.

So I can celebrate finally being legal.

We both had a couple of shots. Though Daryl was reluctant to have any more than two, explaining he's not a happy drunk.

My eyes have adjusted to the semi-darkness and I can see his features again. I love looking at him when he's asleep. love looking at him anytime!

I love this man and he loves me. No doubting that now....or ever.

Yup! We're slap bang in the middle of a reset world, but I know we can make a go of For however long we have together.

Both of us finally got brave, huh!

Daryl is my life branch.

As Mum said, it's taken a lot of hard work....and a lot more to come I'm sure.

I won't live in Lala land and pretend it'll all be smooth sailing. We're both passionate people with tempers and excess emotional baggage galore. So our waters will always be choppy.

As long as we remember to keep talking to and hearing each other. Daryl isn't afraid to do feelings anymore, good or bad. With me....or himself even.

I gave that heavenly mouth the lightest of kisses and his lips turned up at the corners. Murmured my name in his sleep before rolling over, dragging my arm with him.

Waited patiently until his breathing settled again before slowly drawing it away. Kissed one of the devil tatts on his back and got to my feet.

My sheet is under him. So I crept into the hallway and grabbed a crochet throw out of the linen press. Wrapped it around my shoulders and climbed upstairs to the master bedroom.

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