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"So, Min-Jee, tell me, what's the problem with you and Yugyeom?" said Jackson right after Yugyeom left the room. He can't be serious right now. He thinks I'm gonna tell him my whole life story? Yeah, of course, let's go. No.

"Look, I know you don't like me and I don't like you, but please, lets do this, for Yugyeom." he's right. For Yugyeom.

"Okay" I said, "for Yugyeom." 

"So Yugyeom told me something. He said that he's scared." he was calm about this like he went trough this 100 times before. "He's sacred of what?" It can be anything, his life is like mine, you're scared of everything here.

"He thinks that you don't like him. He was talking really fast so I couldn't understand everything, but he said something like 'I think she saw that as one-night stand, but she's still with me because she's pregnant now and she can't rise a kid all by herself.'" I gasped after that. 

"He said that?" I feel so bad now, how can he even think like that.

"Unfortunately, yes. What did you say to him Min-Jee? I know you love him and that he probably missunderstood something, what was it?" He was talking about that yesterday. Oh God, I'm ruining my relationship.

"I-I said that I w-won't be able to love o-our baby." He could barely hear me, but he did, unfortunately.

"WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU SAY THAT?! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH IT HURTS?! HM?" he screamed. "I-I, um, sorry, I didn't mean to scream like that." He was looking down.



"I know why you hate me now."

He looked up, eyes wide. "W-What do you m-mean?" he was stuttering.

"Jackson.." I took a deep breath, "no more games.." his eyes glued on me, "tell me, what's your life story?" I could see sadness in his eyes, he was in pain, something happened before and I don't know anything about it, something that left huge scar on him, mentally.

"It was her." I could clearly see tears forming. "Tell me." I got closer and hugged him, carefully, but I did. He was silent for a moment or two, then he said "Grab you jacket and come." I didn't want to ask much so I just did what he told me. I followed him to his car and got in. He started driving and I could tell that this will be a long ride. I didn't want to ask anything, I don't want him to feel attacked, I'll see what is it anyways.

It's been an hour already. He's still silent and I still don't know where are we going. My phone is ringing non-stop, his too. No one knows where we are and I feel kind of bad for not telling anyone. I should probably call Yugyeom back, he's probably freaking out already. I should, yeah.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and Jackson looked me. "I'm calling Yugyeom, to tell him I'm alright." he nodded and looked back towards the road. I dialed Yugyeom's number and he immediately picked up.

"Jesus fucking Christ, babe, where are you?"
"Don't worry, I'm okay, Jacksons taking me somewhere."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I'm sorry, I couldn't call you. I swear I'll explain everything when we got back home. Okay?" after I said that I could feel Jackson staring at me, not in a friendly way.
"Okay, see you later I guess. Please don't hurt yourself. I love you"
"I won't and I love you too, very much. I'll call you later, bye."
"Bye babe."

"You won't tell him you know?" Jackson asked.
"I know." was all I could say before he stopped the car. I looked out and my heart stopped. I thought I'll never see this place again. I was wrong I guess, but why did Jackson came here?

Then it hit me.

"You. You're the special someone aren't you? You're the hidden boyfriend. You're the unknown one, the one that she loved the most. You, you Jackson, you're the f-father, aren't you?

This was very short chapter I'm sorry and I'm sorry I was gone for a while, I'm here now.
I swear I'll write one or two more chapters today and maybe publish them, I'm not sure.
However I won't let you hanging now.
Oh and yeah
We went over 300 reads, I so happy, thank you again and I love you (I swear I'm writing that too much)
Anyways I'm preparing two more stories now and I just wanted to ask who would you want to see in them?
It doesn't have to be a GOT7 member.

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