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He's hugging me. Kim Yugyeom is hugging me. What the actual hell? Wh-
My thoughts were stopped when he inhaled deeply and then exhaled right in the crock of my neck.

"Min?" he asked.
"Mhm?" I mumbled because I didn't want to talk. I didn't want to show him that I was scared and happy as fuck at the same time.
"Well you're not hugging me back, I completly understand why, but before you ran away again I just wanted you to know that if you think your secret isn't safe with me, you're wrong" he said still breathing into my neck.
"W..W..What d..do you m..mean?" I was shaking unnormally.
"I know how does it feel. That's all." was all he said before-

"Oh hi kid- What the actual fuck is happening here?!"
Yugyeom immediately pulled away from me and stared at the floor while I was watching directly at Luhans eyes begging him for mercy.
He saw that.
"Oh..um..yeah, sorry, I just have to go somewhere you should continue what ever you were doing right now. Umm... Yeah, bye, have fun" he smirked "Oh, and Xiu is coming late today." then he left

'What the actual fuck is wrong with him?' I thought.

"Well that was awkward." I said turning back to Yugyeom. "Oh, um, yeah, very." he weren't looking at me. "So, um Yugyeom? When you said that you know how does it feel. What did you mean by that?" he was still looking at the floor. "Oh nothing, j...just forget about that. I came to say sorry about yesterday, I was stupid to interupt you guys like that when I knew about what you were talking. And... And I also came to say that your secret is safe with me." After he said that I was speachless, I didn't want to stay here with him and, at the same time, I wanted to stay with him and hug him, tight.

"It's okay. I would do the same if I was at your place and I was stupid to run away like that." now I was feeling guilt. Damn you Min and your feelings. "Uhmm.. D..do you want something to drink maybe?" I didn't know what the fuck was I doing but I tried not to care. I just wanted him to feel better. I don't know what's wrong with him but it doesn't feel right. Maybe I don't know him that much like I tought I do.

"Yeah sure, why not." I looked at him and he was already looking at me smiling like an idiot. Aishh this motherfucker, what's wrong with him. He's making me worried af and one second later he's making my heart beat like crazy.

~time skip~
Yugyeom and I were talking for quite some time. We talked about everyting that we could think of. Well everything except, thanks God, our feelings and shit. That was a relief and I found out so much about him. He just made me like him even more.

"So you seeing anyone Min?" 

I stopped and looked at him. I didn't know what to say. 

"A..actually not. Um I've never been in a real relationship before." I could hear him laughing. "It's not funny. It's not my fault. My parents, they never allowed relationships, mines or Xiumins." Everything went silent. "I didn't knew, sorry. But hey Xiumin and Luhan-" I interupted him "When Xiumin said that he was gay and that hes got a boyfriend our parents didn't even look at him and one night he left. We didn't knew where he was, it's not like our parents cared, but after a month or so he texted me, he said that he was sorry for leaving me but he didn't have much choice and he texted me his adress saying that I can stay with him if I want to. I didn't accept his offer for living here but I think I could now. I'm still thinking about that."

"I think you should accept it. I mean you're practically already living here and the only thing you should do is to tell your parents that you're moving. It's not that scary, right?" he sounded worried. "I can't do that. Then they'll know that I know where Xiu is and I don't want him to have problems becau-"

"Then you should say that you're staying at your boyfriends" hahahah does he think he is funny or something. "And what if they ask who that is or what if they tell me to bring him for them to meet him?"
"I'll come" he didn't think about that, he just said it. I don't know what to do now.

"I'll talk to Xiu."

"Talk about what?" he's home.   

Our Little Secret [Kim Yugyeom fanfic]✔Where stories live. Discover now