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I was laying in Yugyeoms bed for like an hour now, but he's still not here. 'Where the fuck is he?' I couldn't sleep and I think that only he by my side could make me more comfortable so I could sleep. I decided to get up and see where he was. I saw him as soon as I reached the living room. He was sleeping on the couch. I was staring at him from the hallway.

"You're making me uncomfortable just by staring at him like that." I didn't even realize Jackson was there untill he spoke up. "U..Um, sorry, I..I just came to see where he is. I'll go now." I turned around and started walking back to the bedroom but I stoped when he spoke again, "You know, if he loves you that much he'll be mad if he finds out that you couldn't sleep and that you searched for him while he was just sleeping on the couch." "It doesn't matter, he's tired. I'm okay." with that I went back to the bedroom and laid down wrapping myself in his sheets, they smelled like him, it was nice.

15 more minutes passed and I was still awake, then I heard footsteps. First I thought that Jackson is going to sleep because he had to pass by Yugyeoms room to come to his, but it wasn't Jackson. 

Yugyeom slowly entered the room trying to be as quiet as possible, probably thinking I'm sleeping. "I'm not sleeping though, you can walk normally." I whispered. "Oh, baby I'm sorry. It's late, I mean early, did you wait for me all this time." he asked and I could hear guilt in hih voice. "I wasn't actually, I couldn't sleep so I just left to see where you are like 15 minutes ago but I saw you sleeping so I came back, but originally no." I said that and he laid behind me wraping his arms around my waist, his head landed in the crock of my neck and then he whispered back "So sorry, I'm here now, lets sleep." I tourned around so I can burry my head in his chest inhaling his smell. "I love you, goodnight." I said. "I love you too." he responded and with that I went to my dreamland.

I woke up and find myself still laying on Yugyeoms chest. He was still sleeping. I didn't wan to wake him up so I just stayed like that waiting for him to wake up.

It's been like an hour and he was still sleeping. He was cute and handsome and everything, but boi-, I don't want to wake you up, but I have to go on the toilet, you know. I slowly got up trying very hard not to move that much so he can sleep peacefully. I think this was my first time getting up and not waking up anyone in the house, that was usually what would I do, not because I wanted to, it's just, I'm too clumsy to do something like that so even when I tried being silent I would probably break something. Not this time obviously, I think I can't do that again so I wont be able to go back to bed, sad.

I finished with what I had to do in the bathroom and walked over to the living room. There were Bambam and Jaebum sitting and watching something on the TV. I greeted them and sat next to BamBam on the couch while Jaebum was on the sofa which was next to the couch on BamBams side. We were silently watching TV and everything was fine before BamBam started poking my cheak. "Jesus Christ, BamBam, what is it?" I whispered-jelled at him and he just looked at me with a brigt sime, probably happy because he got my attention.

"I've got a few questions for you." he said and Jaebum reacted to that "Yeah, same here." I really wanted to know what's wrong with those guys, one day they're hating me and the other one they act like some angels, like nothing ever happened. "I have some too." I said and they actually looked shocked. "Then you go first." Jaebum said and i gladly accepted that.

"First, why aren't you guys in school? Second, how can you act so normal now, like nothing ever happened in school, like you never harmed me or anything?" I asked and they looked at each other, what's wrong with my questions?

"Well, since you're here, Yugyeom's not going to school and when one isn't going, nobody's going." BamBam seemed reliefed because he got to answer this and not the other question but now I was getting answer on the second, more important, question. "If you actually think about it, we never punched/harmed you. It was always Jackson while we just standed there watching and, true, we said some awful things but that was Jacksons order too. Try to think about it, you'll understand." maybe they were right, I have to think about it though, but yes, maybe they were actually right. "And on that 'why was he doing that' or 'why does he hate me so much' we don't have an answer. You'll have to talk to him about that." BamBam added. "Now is our turn." he said happily.

"Okay, go ahead." I don't know what to expect from this but they seem excited as hell.
"I'll go with the first one. So, how did you and Kyum got together?" I should have known that they will ask me about mine and Yugyeoms realtionship, 'oh Min why are you so stupid?'
"Okay, so one day he came into Xius apartment while me and him were talking about something and he heard everything, next day when he came to apologise we clicked and boom we're together." I said that in one go and God it was hard. "I weren't expecting this, firstly the thing that you two will actually date and secondly that way or getting into relationship is just like, boring." I could say he was disappointed, but what can I do.

"My turn." said Jaebum "But I'll go with something better, something BamBam probably wanted to ask but didn't" he smirked at BamBam and BamBam was smiling and looking at him while having that
oh-this-will-be-good face on.
"Don't look at him like that BamBam, and Jaebum, just ask already." they were annoying, but after some time Jaebum asked "Did you two did IT?" I know what he meant but I needed more time to decide how will I answer, "Did what?" BAMBAM laughed and Jaebum looked annoyed, "Don't act stupid MinJee, just answer me. Did you and our maknae have sex?"

I know I'm not good at lying and I can't buy more time to think about something even for myself so I'll just be honest, it's the best. "Why do you want to know?" yeah I can't be honest at first about things like this.
"I don't want to, I need to know." Jaebum said and BamBam added "He's our brother MinJee, we won't do anything, we just want to know and if yes when and how for fucks sake you're so innocent and pure."
"Okay so did we? Yes. When? Shortly, he came to Xius the day after he came to apologise and then he wanted to wake me up and jumped on me, it all happened after that. And how? I don't know I just love him enough to let him do it even though we weren't dating when that happened."
"Woah, you two really are something." BamBam and Jaebum said at the exactly same time, Gosh they're spending too much time together.

"We surely are something huh babe?" Yugyeom is up.

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