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I can't say I weren't expecting this but I can't say that I expected it too. I read too many fanfictions to know what's going on. I mean boi-, you can't not read fanfictions about Taemin, that's just- How? 

So It's been like two or three weeks since I moved, since I started dating Yugyeom, since I basically started living my life. But that's not the point here. Yugyeom was. He was too good to be true, I never actually went to him because he's living with the rest of GOT7 and I don't think everything would be okay if I would come on their territory. They don't even know that I'm dating Yugyeom, I asked him not to tell them, yet. They don't like me for some reason and if they knew that I'm dating one of them things would be very wrong. I think that they won't just bully me then, they'll try to kill me probably, except for Mark, Gosh that was hard too but nevermind. So Yugyeom and I are not talking at all at school, we can't. 

As I was saying, I was expecting something. Yeah it was it. I got morining sickness like two days ago. If everything was normal before it I would think it' just some kind of angst or something like that but no. I knew what this was and today I'm going to confirm that officially. I'm going to the doctors and then, if I'm right, I'll be going to Yugyeoms for the first time in my life.

~at the hospital~ 

I did everything. Now I was waiting for my results. I am nervous and excited at the same time. This could turn out very good or very bad.

"Minie I'm here, I'm sorry I'm late but they decided to let me work for a little bit longer but I got you some coffe." yes, I called Lu. He was the only person that knew about this and he insisted to come with me. "Did you got the results already?" he asked. "Nope, don't worry, you're here just in the right time, doctor should come any minute now." I smiled at him, he was so excited, maybe even more than I am.

"Mrs. Kim! Your results are here!" it's time to do this. I walked with Lu to the doctors office. He was smiling brightly at me, and Lu. "It's actually Miss but it's okay." as I said that his smile faded and I knew why, I just smiled at him. "Oh, um, yeah sorry about that but I got some good news for you today." he smiled again and now I was 100% sure that it's positive. "Is is positive for Gods sake? I'm waiting." I laughed when Lu said that. I didn't knew that he was this excited. "Well congrats to both of you, it's positive" at this Lus smile faded. I knew why though. " Oh no, no, no, it's not him. He just came with me because he wanted to." I was talking to the doctor, Mr. Choi. "Yeah I'm with her brother actually hehe." He seemed so embarassed. "Oh, sorry then, but congrats no matter what." I thanked him and we left the hospital.

"So now it's time. You want me to go with you?" he didn't knew in wich situation I was with GOT7, "U..Umm, n..no, I'm fine. What could happen to me anyways?" why can't I just talk like a normal person. "Don't play around Min, Xiu maybe can't see clearly what's happening, but I can. You can't hide every single bruise you know, especially those on your back. And I know that that 'bullying' isn't just verbal or like a few punches here and there, it was serious. So I'll ask again, do you want me to go with you, for protection, untill we reach Yugyeom?" I didn't want to look him in the eyes so I just slightly noded. "Lets go then." I followed him to his car and he started driving.

We're here.

I came to their apertment with Lu by my side. "Come on I'm here." He said and I knocked. I was hoping that Yugyeom will be the one opening the door, but of course, God was never on my side. Mark standed there looking right into me. I was silent, he was silent, everything was silent untill I decided to spoke up, "Um, Lu you can go now, and Mark, first hi, second, I'll be needing Yugyeom, it's kinf of important."

"He's not home yet, he'll be soon, but come in, you can wait inside for him if it's important. I have to talk to you too."

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