chapter 10

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            “There must be a mistake,” Katie rushes to say. “I’m not adopted!”

            Mr. Epstein looks at her with a peculiar look on his face, “I’m sorry Ms. Miller but that is what it says in this will. I even have copies of your birth certificate and your adoption papers.”

            “But, but,” she says not being able to finish a sentence.

            The lawyer looks at the young girl with a sympathetic twinkle in his eyes and hands her a sealed envelope. “Your parents wrote this and told me to give it to you if I ever read this version of the will.”

            Katie looks down at the envelope and opens it trying her best not to cry as she savors the feeling of reading words her parents wrote, she reads the letter.

            Dear our lovely daughter Katie,

                  If you are reading this then we know you must be having a hard time right now and know this news would make it harder for you, but it must be said. It is the truth that you were adopted. We both didn’t think it was possible to have kids and once we saw you at the hospital only a day old and knew you were ours.

            Once you were old enough to understand that you weren’t biologically ours we got the news that we were going to have a child, Marie. After that we didn’t tell you for selfish reasons. Oh Katie, we thought you wouldn’t love us as much knowing we had a true blood heir and that you weren’t genetically ours. We were afraid you wouldn’t love us.

            We are writing this as we update our will now when you are only 14 not ever thinking you would read it, but knowing we had to just in case. Both of us figured it would do lesser harm to you moving in with your biological parents than living with your Grandparents. We left Marie in their care because none of your allegations checked out, and though we aren’t positive what happened don’t want you upset but Marie never charged them with anything and there was no one else for her to go to.

            We talked to your birth mother and she agrees with the idea to have you sent to her instead of having you with your Grandfather. We haven’t had contact with her except to ask her of that, so don’t worry that we have a relationship with her.

            Please remember that no matter what happens that you are OUR daughter Katie Anne Miller and the simplicity of blood will never change the fact that we love you and always will. We are sorry for keeping you in the dark and finding out like this, but please do not hate us Katie. Once you read this we will both be gone and don’t want you remembering us for the grave mistake we made of not telling you earlier.

            Love always,

Your loving and amazing Mom and Dad

            Katie finishes reading the letter and turns to her Grandparents, “Did you two know about this?”

            “Of course Katie, but you were always our little Cat Women,” her grandfather protests.

            “But you lied.”

            “Katie your parents made us promise not to tell you. We had no idea they were going to leave you with your birth parents though I swear.”

            Just then Mr. Epstein hands out everyone present a copy of the will, “I have to go now,” he says. “I will get back to you on the appraisal of everything soon. Oh and Katie I have the number for your biological Mother, I suggest you call her as soon as possible.” With that the two Grandparents are dumbstruck and lead him out.

            Marie and Katie get up too and walk out of the office and go upstairs into their little lounge that their parents always let them do whatever with. As they sit down Katie notices her sister was crying more than usual and reaches out and hugs her sister tightly, not wanting to let her go.

            “Shh Mar,” everything will be okay.”

            “Maybe it would have been if it wasn’t for this,” she cries. “God Katie you could be moving to somewhere random to live with you birth family and I’ll be in New York. We didn’t even know you were adopted! I’m not even really your sister!”

            Katie holds her sister and looks her in the eyes, “Marie Nicole Miller how dare you say that! You will always be my sister and Mom and Dad will always be my parents this doesn’t change a thing. I guess this explains why I have blonde hair and everyone else has brown or auburn hair,” she says trying to laugh. “Guess it isn’t something I inherited from Dad’s mysterious family.”

            “Katie this is serious! You could have another real sister out there.”

            “Marie you will always be my sister please understand.”

            “I just don’t know how we never knew. How could they not tell us until they are dead,” she shouts.

            “Calm down, I’m just as mad as you about this but yelling won’ do anything. Plus I’m not going anywhere. Look at the number, the area code is the same as ours meaning I can’t be going too far,”

            “But I’m going to New York!” Marie protests.

            “We can try and stop that,” Katie says. “Now let’s go downstairs I smell spaghetti and I know how much you love Grandma’s spaghetti!”

            They stand up and hug before walking downstairs and sit at the dinner table with their grandparents who are acting as if nothing happened that just changed their lives forever, even more than the death of their daughter and son-in-law.

            They smile as the sisters sit down and Marie digs into the pasta causing everybody to laugh. Katie plates herself some dinner but just plays with it. Her grandma notices and frowns at her. “Katie can you please eat,” she begs.

            “I’m not hungry” she says pushing her food around her plate.

            “Katie nothing just changed in the past hour. And your Grandmother and I are going to do whatever we can to get guardianship of you,” her grandpa says.

            “There’s no point. By the time you even get a court date I’ll be 18 and then there wouldn’t be any point.”

            Everyone sighs as that sinks in, “Plus,” Katie adds. “If this was Mom and Dad’s dying wish that I meet these people then I’ll meet them.”

            “If you’re sure,” her grandmother says not quite believing her.

            “I am, Can I possibly go to bed now?” Katie asks. Her Grandparents tell her it is okay. Katie turns to get up and stops for a second. “I think I’m going to make that call first.”

            “Are you sure sweetie?” her Grandpa asks.

            “Yeah,” she says awkwardly. “The longer I wait the harder it will get.” The adults nod, understanding what she is saying but her sister looks like she’s going to cry again.

             Not wanting to see her sister cry because of her Katie rushes upstairs and lays on her bed trying to prepare herself for the call she has to make.

            She starts to dial the number and starts to truly cry for the first time since she heard her parents, adoptive parents, were in the hospital. She just couldn’t believe that they weren’t her real parents.

            About an hour later Katie calms herself down and dials the number again. After about three rings a voice answers.

            “Hello,” a female voice says.

            Katie takes a deep breath, “Hello my name is Katie Anne Miller and I think I’m your daughter.

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