Chapter 8

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Katie slowly gains consciousness and glances over at her alarm clock and notices that she is very late to school. She finds that weird, in all of her life Katie has never slept in or missed school without running in the morning.

            Come to think of it she didn’t even remember setting her alarm that morning, a finding that startled her more than the fact that she woke up late. Katie set her alarm on the weekends and the summer; she was kind of a bit OCD about it.

            Nobody in her family would ever dare to unset her alarm, it was basically suicide. Marie did it a few years ago and it didn’t end pretty. She didn’t think her parents had ever done something like that.

            Taking a big stretch Katie got out of bed and took a shower before looking through her closet and picking out a mini skirt and a top to go with it. For the next ten minutes she perfected her hair and makeup and finally made her way downstairs

            The third sign of peculiarity was that Katie did not smell pancakes as she walked down the steps. Instead she smelled a floral odor and it had been years since anyone had attempted to incorporate flowers into a breakfast food. Her Dad tried to do that a few years ago and it did not turn out well at all. She had food poisoning for a week!

            Another oddity became known to Katie as she walked into the kitchen and found the counter filled with a garden big enough to rival the flower store in town. Deciding to make herself an omelet she turns on the stove and checks her phone as she reaches into the fridge.

            In the middle of cracking an egg she freezes at the sight on her phone. 50 missed calls and 368 new texts. Something was off. Something was way off.  Katie received an absurd amount of calls and texts, but nothing this outrageous.

            She presses her texts and looks at the ones from Brian telling her that he’s sorry and urging her to call him. Taylor’s offers the same information and most of the rest are offering her condolences for her parents.

            That’s when it all began to come flooding back to her. The attempted robbery. The shooting. Coming home to find the police. Waiting in the hospital for hours as Marie slept and the surgeries were taking place. Marie opening all of her presents before Katie had to tell her the bad news. Her parents’ untimely demise.

            When she had woken up this morning Katie thought she had had a nightmare, something that happened a lot. She sits there, staring out the window for hours contemplating the past twenty four hours in complete silence. Yesterday didn’t seem like yesterday, it felt like a lifetime ago.

            Later, Katie wasn’t entirely sure how much later, Marie comes down the stairs in her pajamas, something she never did. Katie looked her in the eyes, eyes that were red and puffy from hours of crying and walks over to her sister who begins to cry once again.

            She does not know how to handle this situation; all she can do is whisper little sentiments of assured words into her sister’s hair that everything was going to be okay. Repeated words over and over again that Katie herself did not believe.

            How was she going to make her sister have faith that everything was going to get better and be okay when she didn’t even think that anything was ever going to be okay again? As Marie began to use Katie’s shirt as a tissue she vowed to herself that she was going to stay strong for her sister. Marie couldn’t see her cry; it would destroy her moral even more.

            After deciding this she finally spoke up, “Marie you could stop using my shirt for your snot rag you know.”

            She laughs in return, “Sorry Kate, it’s just…”

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